Leonid Bulavin

Leonid Bulavin

Head of Chair of Molecular Physics, Professor

Scientific Researcher
Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russia)

Scientific Researcher
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Assistant Professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Associated Professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Head of Chair of Molecular Physics
Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Dean of the Faculty of Physics
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Head of Special Council of Thesis Defend
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Member of a Scientific Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russia),

Head of the scientific-methodological commission on physics in the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine

Member of the European Deans Association

Corresponding Member
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)


Graduate of Department of Physics (M.Sc.)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Candidate of Phys.-Math. Sciences (Ph.D.)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Research Fields:

Previous and Current Research

Previous research:

  • Since 1966 investigations of critical phenomena in liquids were performed in the department of molecular physics using transmittance and scattering of slow neutrons. With the technique of slow neutron transmittance the gravitational effect (the dependence of the density or concentration of liquids and their solutions on gravitational potential in the systems close to the critical point caused by anomalous increase in the system’s compressibility) was investigated. These research confirmed the correctness of the scaling transformations theory (the scaling theory) for liquids and solutions and allowed us to determine the critical exponents of the coexistence curve, critical isotherm, compressibility and temperature dependence of the heat capacity.
  • Especial attention has been paid to investigations of the critical phenomena in polymer solutions which made it possible to determine the critical parameter for these complex systems and to confirm the scaling properties of these systems close to the vaporization critical point and to the consolute point.
  •  Effect of neutron critical opalescence in the small-angle neutron scattering was observed for the first time.
  • Using quasi-elastic neutron scattering the behavior of the self-diffusion coefficient in liquids and liquid systems was investigated. It was shown that the self-diffusion coefficient in liquids follows the complex mechanism which includes both one-particle and collective motions of molecules (the Bulavin-Oskotsky-Ivanov mechanism).
  • Employing neutron contrast variation method it was shown that in water solutions of electrolytes the ions follow the collective diffusion mechanism whereas the water molecules participate in both single-particle and collective diffusion processes.
  • Investigations performed with inelastic neutron scattering in liquids provided the generalized density of states (generalized frequency spectrum) for a series of liquids in both bulk and surface conditions.
  • As a result of investigation of self-diffusion phenomena taking place in the substances of medical importance a conceptually novel approach for oncological diseases treatment was suggested.
  • Studies of the temperature dependence of a self-diffusion coefficient in water revealed a dynamical phase transition which occurs in water at the temperature close to 42°C.

Current research:
  • Using a small-angle neutron scattering the investigations of magnetic liquid systems are being performed aimed at finding biologically-compatible ferrofluids needed for diagnostics and treatment of oncological diseases.
  • Small-angle neutron scattering techniques are used for analyzing the aggregation processes in fullerene–water systems and in systems of fullerenes with other solvents.
  • Suspensions of detonation-synthesized nanodiamonds have been investigated and it has been shown that the surface of these nanodiamonds has graphene-like properties.
  • Investigations of model biological membranes are being performed aimed at determination of lipid bilayer properties in these systems.
  • Non-covalent interactions of biologically relevant molecules are being investigated using a wide variety of quantum-chemical methodologies.
  • Thermodynamic peculiarities of the nuclear fragmentation and surface phenomena in nuclear matter are being studied.
  • A physical model of biological matter welding has been developed.

Future Projects and Goals

  • “Reliable nuclear materials identification technology from spectrometry data” (project MYP 985094 funded under NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) programme)
  • “Influence of external fields on molecular processes in the soft matter which are important for nuclear energy, medicine and green technologies”

Methodological and Technical Expertise

  • Quasi-elastic neutron scattering
  • Inelastic neutron scattering
  • Small-angle neutron scattering
  • Neutron reflectometry
  • Phase transitions and critical phenomena in liquid systems
  • Medical physics

Figure 1. At the temperature of 42°C dynamical phase transition occurs in water (when a ‘continuous’ hydrogen bond network breaks thus leading to denaturation of proteins in endothermic organism)

Figure 2. Physics of Nano-Fluids: Self-organization processes in the fullerene-containing systems

Figure 3. Phase transition from Gel to Liquid-Crystalline phase investigated with neutron scattering in in lipid system under high pressure

Selected Publications

Ushcats, M.V., Bulavin, L.A., Sysoev, V.M. and Ushcats, S.J..
Virial and high-density expansions for the Lee-Yang lattice gas.
Physical Review E, 2016, 94(1), p.012143.

Bulavin, L.A., Cherevko, K.V., Gavryushenko, D.A., Sysoev, V.M. and Vlasenko, T.S..
Radiation influence on the temperature-dependent parameters of fluids.
Physical Review E, 2016, 93(3), p.032133.

Bulavin L.A., Belous O.I., Svechnikova O.S..
Anomalous Ultrasound Attenuation near the Critical Point of n-Pentanol–Nitromethane Solution Stratification.
Ukr. J. Phys., 2016, 61(5), p.375-380

Bulavin, L.A., Soloviov, D.V., Gordeliy, V.I., Svechnikova, O.S., Krasnikova, A.O., Kasian, N.A., Vashchenko, O.V. and Lisetski, L.N..
Lyotropic model membrane structures of hydrated DPPC: DSC and small-angle X-ray scattering studies of phase transitions in the presence of membranotropic agents.
Phase transitions, 2015, 88(6), pp.582-592.

Cherevko, K.V., Bulavin, L.A., Jenkovszky, L.L., Sysoev, V.M. and Zhang, F.S..
Evaluation of the curvature-correction term from the equation of state of nuclear matter.
Physical Review C, 2014, 90(1), p.017303.

Nikolaienko, T.Y., Bulavin, L.A. and Hovorun, D.M..
JANPA: An open source cross-platform implementation of the Natural Population Analysis on the Java platform.
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2014, 1050, pp.15-22.

Nagornyi, A.V., Petrenko, V.I., Bulavin, L.A., Avdeev, M.V., Almásy, L., Rosta, L. and Aksenov, V.L..
Structure of the magnetite-oleic acid-decalin magnetic fluid from small-angle neutron scattering data.
Physics of the Solid State, 2014, 56(1), pp.91-96.

Cherevko, K., Bulavin, L., Su, J., Sysoev, V. and Zhang, F.S..
“Doughnut” nuclear shapes in head-on heavy ion collisions.
Physical Review C, 2014, 89(1), p.014618.

Tomchuk, O.V., Volkov, D.S., Bulavin, L.A., Rogachev, A.V., Proskurnin, M.A., Korobov, M.V. and Avdeev, M.V..
Structural characteristics of aqueous dispersions of detonation nanodiamond and their aggregate fractions as revealed by small-angle neutron scattering.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 119(1), pp.794-802.

Bulavin, L., Plevachuk, Y., Sklyarchuk, V., Omelchuk, A., Faidiuk, N., Savchuk, R., Shtablavyy, I., Vus, V. and Yakymovych, A..
Concentration dependence of physical properties of liquid NaF–LiF–NdF3 alloys.
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2014, 270, pp.60-64.

Tomchuk, O.V., Bulavin, L.A., Aksenov, V.L., Garamus, V.M., Ivankov, O.I., Vul, A.Y., Dideikin, A.T. and Avdeev, M.V..
Small-angle scattering from polydisperse particles with a diffusive surface.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2014, 47(2), pp.642-653.

Bulavin, L., Plevachuk, Y., Sklyarchuk, V., Shtablavyy, I., Faidiuk, N. and Savchuk, R..
Physical properties of liquid NaF–LiF–LaF3 and NaF–LiF–NdF3 eutectic alloys.
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2013, 433(1), pp.329-333.

Savenko, V., Bulavin, L., Rawiso, M., Loginov, M., Vorobiev, E. and Lebovka, N.I..
Sedimentation stability and aging of aqueous dispersions of Laponite in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide.
Physical Review E, 2013, 88(5), p.052301.

Loshak, N.V., Kichanov, S.E., Kozlenko, D.P., Wąsicki, J., Nawrocik, W., Lukin, E.V., Lathe, C., Savenko, B.N. and Bulavin, L.A..
Structural changes in chlorpropamide at high pressure.
Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 2012, 6(6), pp.951-953.

Nikolaienko, T.Y., Bulavin, L.A. and Hovorun, D.M..
Bridging QTAIM with vibrational spectroscopy: The energy of intramolecular hydrogen bonds in DNA-related biomolecules.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 14(20), pp.7441-7447.

Kyzyma, O.A., Korobov, M.V., Avdeev, M.V., Garamus, V.M., Snegir, S.V., Petrenko, V.I., Aksenov, V.L. and Bulavin, L.A..
Aggregate development in C 60/N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone solution and its mixture with water as revealed by extraction and mass spectroscopy.
Chemical Physics Letters, 2010, 493(1), pp.103-106.

Petrenko V.I., Avdeev M.V., Garamus V.M., Bulavin L.A., Aksenov V.L. and Rosta L..
Micelle formation in aqueous solutions of dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid studied by small-angle neutron scattering.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2010, 369(1), pp.160-164.

Bulavin, L.A., Gavryushenko, D.A., Sysoev, V.M. and Yakunov, P.A..
Calculating the chemical potential of components of a binary solution in a plane-parallel pore.
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2010, 84(2), pp.225-228.

Petrenko, V.I., Avdeev, M.V., Almásy, L., Bulavin, L.A., Aksenov, V.L., Rosta, L. and Garamus, V.M..
Interaction of mono-carboxylic acids in benzene studied by small-angle neutron scattering.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2009, 337(1), pp.91-95.

Bulavin, L.A., Aktan, E.Y. and Zabashta, Y.F..
Vacancies in folded polymer crystals.
Polymer science. Series A, Chemistry, physics, 2002, 44(9), pp.980-985.

Bulavin, L.A., Gavryushenko, D.A. and Sysoev, V.M..
Calculation of Density Profiles of Liquids in Nonwettable Plane Pores.
Russian journal of physical chemistry, 1996, 70(3), pp.518-520.

Bulavin, L.A., Aktan, O.Y. and Zabashta, Y.F..
Role of vacancies of a strongly strained crystal in the melting process.
Physics of the Solid State, 2010, 52(4), pp.712-717.


Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/leonidbulavin/

Web-page: http://molphys.univ.kiev.ua/?lang=en