Leading Scientific Researcher, Professor
Junior Researcher
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Senior Researcher
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
The head of scientific team
Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Leading Researcher
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Specialist in Chemistry (Polymer chemistry)
Moscow state university of M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow (Russia)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Senior Researcher
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Doctor of Chemical Science
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
Heteropolymer micelles for drug delivery and metal nanoparticle synthesis
Research Fields:
Previous and Current Research
Performed researches: “Multicomponent polymer-containing dispersed systems based on polycomplexes” (1990–1993), “Synthesis and study of properties of inter- and intramolecular polycomplexes” (1994-1996), “Modeling and analysis of the multicomponent natural water dispersions in the processes of their flocculation by polycomplexes” (1997-1998), “New polymer flocculants for the natural water clearing from the dangling substances and radionuclids” (1999-2001), “Grafting copolymerization with elements of a template synthesis in the development of polymers for environmental protection” (2002-2005), “Heteropolymer systems and the grafted polymer/inorganic hybrids for nanotechnologies, medicine and environmental protection” (2006-2010), “The nano-sized block copolymer systems for a targeted drug delivery and synthesis of metal nanoparticles” (2011-2013), “The micelle and micelle-like structures of heteropolymers and polymer/inorganic hybrids for nanotechnologies” (2014-2015).
Current research: “Heteropolymer micelles for drug delivery and metal nanoparticle synthesis” (2016-2018).
Group leader: Dr. Chem. Sci., Prof. Tatyana Zheltonozhskaya.
At present the scientific team consists of 3 researchers, 1 engineer, 1 Master- and 2 Bachelor students.
- Pioneering researches of the template block and graft copolymerization with participation of chemically complementary polymer components (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the template block copolymerization of polyacrylamide (PAAm) with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) at the initial stage.
- Discovery of a special class of polymer compounds among the block and graft copolymers, which was named the intramolecular polycomplexes (IntraPCs):
- Development of direct synthesis of polymer/inorganic hybrids based on silica nanoparticles (Fig. 2) without preliminary modification of silica surface.
Fig. 2. Schematic building of the grafted silica/polyacrylamide hydrid (SiO2-g-PAAm) and its fractal aggregates in aqueous solutions (TEM image).
A size of separate nanoparticles d=6÷20 nm.
- Creation of high-efficient flocculants “Unicomfloc” for the natural water clearing on waterworks based on intramolecular polycomplexes and polymer/inorganic hybrids:
- Development of special micellar and micelle-like nanocontainers and nanoreactors based on asymmetric diblock or triblock copolymers and polymer/inorganic hybrids with hydrophilic chemically complementary components (Figs. 3-5) for a targeted drug delivery in living organisms and in situ synthesis of metal nanoparticles:
Fig. 3. Scheme of micelle formation of the asymmetric IntraPC-forming A-b-B diblock and B-b-A-b-B triblock copolymers.
The length of B-block is higher than A-block.
Fig. 4. Scheme of micelle formation of the asymmetric IntraPC-forming B-b-A-b-B triblock copolymers.
The length of B-block is essentially less than A-block.
Fig. 5. TEM images with real block copolymer micelles in aqueous solutions.
- Creation and patenting of micelle compositions with poorly soluble and/or toxic drugs (doxorubicin, prednisolon, melanin, vitamin E etc) and new biocide preparations based on micellar carriers and metal nanoparticles (Fig. 6):
Fig. 6. Micelles with encapsulated (a) vitamin E and (b) melanin in aqueous solutions as well as micelle-like structures containing (c) in situ synthesized silver nanoparticles. dAgNPs=3,5÷9 nm.
Methodological and Technical Expertise
- Improvement of synthesis methods of block and graft copolymers and also polymer/inorganic hybrids to obtain regulated molecular structure
- Comparison of the molecular structure of heteropolymers with their properties to obtain nanomaterials with necessary functions
- Application of modern research methods: NMR, FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopy, GPC, static and dynamic light scattering, dilatometry, viscometry, potentiometric titration, TEM, DSC, WAXS, SAXS etc.
Selected Publications
Zheltonozhskaya Ò.B., Zagdanskaya N.Å., Demchenko Î.V., Momot L.N.,. Permyakova N.Ì, Syromyatnikov V.G., Kunitskaya L.R.
Graft copolymers with chemically complementary components as a special class of high-molecular-weight compounds.
Russ. Chem. Rev. 2004, 8, 811-829.
Zheltonozhskaya Ò.B., Fedorchuk S.V., Syromyatnikov V.G.
Processes for obtaining linear block copolymers.
Russ. Chem. Rev. 2007, 76, 731-765.
Zheltonozhskaya T., Permyakova N., Momot L.
Intramolecular polycomplexes in block and graft copolymers.
In: Hydrogen-Bonded Interpolymer Complexes. Formation, Structure and Application. Eds. Khutoryanskiy V. and Staikos G. (World Scientific, New Jersey – London – Singapore etc.). Ch.5, 2009, 85-153.
Zheltonozhskaya T., Permyakova N., Eremenko B.
Inter- and intramolecular polycomplexes in polydispersed colloidal systems.
In: Hydrogen-Bonded Interpolymer Complexes. Formation, Structure and Application. Eds. Khutoryanskiy V. and Staikos G. (World Scientific, New Jersey – London – Singapore etc.), Ch.8, 2009, 201-234.
Partsevskaya S., Zheltonozhskaya T., Permyakova N.M., Kolendo A.Y.
Biocompatible and biodegragable MOPEO-b-PCL diblock copolymer micelles as nanocontainers for drugs.
Materialwiss. und Werkstoff. 2010, 42, 123-130.
Fedorchuk S.V., Zheltonozhskaya T.B., Shembel E.M., Kunitskaya L.R., Maksuta I.M., Gomza Y.P.
Structure and ionic conductivity of the PEO-containing triblock copolymers forming intramolecular polycomplexes.
Functional Materials. 2011, 16, 1-10.
Kunitskaya L., Aleinichenko V., Zheltonozhskaya T., Khayetsky I., Berkova S.
Self-assembling of diblock cpolymers MEPEO-b-PAAm into micellar structures and their interaction with doxorubicine.
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 2011, 536, 398-404.
Permyakova N., Zheltonozhskaya T., Revko O., Grischenko L.
Self-assembly and metalation of pH-sensitive double hydrophilic block copolymers with interacting polymer components.
Macromol. Symp. 2012, 317-318, 63-74.
Schembel E.M., Zheltonozhskaya T.B., Kunitskaya L.R., Berkova S.A., Pastushkin T.V., Redko V.I., Maksyuta I.M., Permyakova N.M., Kolendo A.Yu.
Solid polymer electrolyte for solar cells and lithium batteries.
US Patent No: US 8,323,838 B2, Dec.4, 2012.
Fedorchuk S., Zheltonozhskaya T., Gomza Yu., Kunitskaya L., Demchenko O.
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles in the matrices of block and graft copolymers and inorganic polymer substance in water solutions.
Macromol. Symp. 2012, 317-318, 103-116.
Zheltonozhskaya T., Partsevskaya S., Fedorchuk S., Klymchuk D., Gomza Yu., Permyakova N., Kunitskaya L.
Micellar nanocontainers based on PAAm-b-PEO-b-PAAm triblock copolymers for poorly soluble drugs.
Eur. Polym. J. 2013, 49, 405-418.
Zheltonozhskaya T., Shembel E., Fedorchuk S., Kunitskaya L., Maksyuta I., Permyakova N., Gomza Yu.
Nanostructured triblock copolymers with chemically complementary components and their ionic conductivity.
J. Res. Updates Polym. Sci. 2013, 1, 84-95.
Zheltonozhskaya T., Partsevskaya S., Gorchev V., Klymchuk D.
Processes of encapsulation and crystallization of prednisolon in PAAm-b-PEO-b-PAAm micellar solutions.
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 2014, 590, 140-148.
Zheltonozhskaya T.B., Fedorchuk S.V., Klymchuk D.O., Gomza Yu.P., Nessin S.D.
Graft copolymers of PVA-g-PÀÀm as efficient templates to form and stabilize silver nanoparticles.
Polym. J. 2016, 38, … (in Ukrainian).