Vasyl Tereshchenko

Vasyl Tereshchenko

Professor, Head of Mathematical Informatics Department

KB Morozov in the State Enterprise “Malyshev Plant”, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Head of educational laboratory in Mechanics & Mathematics Faculty
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Head of research Laboratory “Samsung Advanced Information Technologies Research Joint Lab”
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)


Graduate student in Mechanics & Mathematics Faculty
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Postgraduate student in Mechanics & Mathematics Faculty
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Assistant Professor of the chair of Mathematical Informatics
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Associate Professor of the chair of Mathematical Informatics
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Deputy of Faculty of Cybernetics
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Professor of the chair of Mathematical Informatics
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Since 2015
Head of the chair of Mathematical Informatics
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Real-time Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems, Computer Simulation and Visualization

Research Fields:
Computer Science

Previous and Current Research

Previous research:

  1. "Development of algorithms for editing (transforming) 3D surfaces (section and composition)".

  2. "New types of geometric objects representation and large mesh deformation optimized algorithms", (Fig.1).

  3. "Realistic Morphing Algorithms for MD" (Fig.1).

  4. "Algorithm of Online Handwritten Symbols Blocks Recognition on Mobile Devices" (2014 y.) (Fig 2).

  5. “Detecting of irregular repetitive elements.”(Fig.3).

  6. Real-Time Eye Gaze Tracking. (Fig.4).

  7. Robust text detection in natural image for mobile devices, (Fig.5)

Current research:

  1. Development of  visualization and computer simulation systems   for the rehabilitation and treatment of musculoskeletal  of servicemen (Fig.6)

  2. Development of the system for warning traffic accidents in real time and others directions.

  3. Development of a unified algorithmic environment for creating visualization and computer simulation systems (Fig.7).

Illustration of some results for previous and current research.

Fifure 1. Example of implementation for Realistic Morphing Algorithms for MD.

Figure 2. Illustration for Online Handwritten Symbols Blocks Recognition on MD task.

Figure.3. Example of implementation for detection of irregular repetitive elements.

Figure 4. Examples for Real-Time Eye Gaze Tracking.

Figure 5. The rehabilitation modeling system for treatment of the musculoskeletal human.

Figure 6. The rehabilitation modeling system for treatment of the musculoskeletal human.

Figure 7. Illustration of work the visualization and computer simulation system.

Group leader: Dr. Phys. & Math. Sci. Vasyl Tereshcenko

The research group includes 2 doctors of science, 2 candidates of science and 4 researchers. Also, we involve the best students of faculty in research projects (4-6 students on project). We have skilled performers: algorithms developers, programmers, mathematicians. 

Future Projects and Goals

For development of the work will be focused on the following key directions:

1. Development of general algorithm tools:

  • processing visual and graphic information;
  • creation software systems of visualization and simulation.

2. Development novel Graphics Applications:

  • mobile devices;
  • various areas of a science and engineering;
  • medicine: modeling in orthopedics, rehabilitation.

3. Augmented reality:

  • Object localization in world coordinates from set of images (in case of monocular, stereo, RGB-D cameras);
  • 3D reconstruction of surface from set of images (in case of monocular, stereo, RGB-D cameras) (Fig.8).

Figure 8. 3D reconstruction.

4. Development computer vision systems:

  • 3D objects (statics, dynamics);
  • a human faces and gestures for Human-Computer Interaction;
  • handwritten text, formulas and shapes on mobile devices.
  • animals types by fragments of textures.

5. Development of system for warning traffic accidents in real time.

6. Artificial Intelligence (Context text recognition for mobile devices).

We propose a new conception of creating visualization and simulation system. We took as a conception the paradigm “common algorithmic space”. It allows creating an universal visualization system, which will have unificated and embedded tools for building visual models. Also, we develop novel graphics applications for mobile devices, in particular, smart 3D object transformation (morphing), that allows to create realistic interface and visual effects for interactive games and multimedia applications. In our lab are developed algorithms for 3D reconstruction. The main task is to create 3D world from robot cameras and sensors. This information can be used for obstacles and path search in real world. We continue elaborate new algorithms for online handwriting recognition formulas and images for mobile devices. One Of interesting directions of our research is development algorithms for recognition of human face for personal identification human by robot. In focus our investigation is development the system for warning traffic accidents in real time and others directions. 

Selected Publications

Tereshchenko, V.N.

Green functions of a quasi-static problem of thermoelasticity.

Obchyslyuval`na ta Prykladna Matematyka, 1993. No. 77, P. 97-104.


V. N. Tereshchenko.

Green functions of a quasi-static problem.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 1995. Vol. 77, No 5, 1995, December 01, pp. 3458-3462.


V. M. Tereshchenko, V. I. Lavrenyuk.

The stressed state of piecewise-homogeneous bodies subject to nonsteady thermal fields.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 1998. Vol. 88, No 3, pp. 368-373.


V. Tereshchenko.

One Tool for Building Visual Models.

Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation. 2009, Brno, CZ, IEEE CS, p. 59-62.


V. N. Tereshchenko, A. V. Anisimov.

Recursion and parallel algorithms in geometric modeling problems.

Journal: Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2010. Vol. 46, N 2, P. 173 - 184.


Vasyl Tereshchenko, Anatoliy Anisimov.

One Conception of Creating Tools for Geometric Modeling.

Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering, 2010. Quebec, Canada, IEEE-CS, pp.260-265.


V. Tereshchenko and V. Muravitskiy.

Constructing a simple polygonalizations.

Journal of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology , Paris, 2011. ¹ 77, pp. 668 – 671.

V. Tereshchenko, O. Socolov, and A. Fisunenko.

Solving the Range Searching Problem for Region Bounded by a Convex Surface.

Information Visualisation Montpellier, France, 2012. P. 491- 494.


V. Tereshchenko, S. Chevokin, A. Fisunenko.

Algorithm for Finding the Domain Intersection of a Set of Polytopes .

Procedia Computer Science, 2013. Vol. 18,  P. 459-464.


Vasyl Tereshchenko, Igor Budjak, and Andrey Fisunenko.

The Unified Algorithmic Platform for Solving Complex Problems of Computational Geometry .

Parallel Computing Technologies. 2013, Springer. P. 424-429.


Tereshchenko, V. Tereshchenko, Y. Kotsur, D.

Point triangulation using Graham’s scan.

Innovative Computing Technology, IEEE, 2015, pp. 148-151.


Tereshchenko V., Koriukalov O.

Contour smoothing algorithm based on contour extremes.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, 2016,pp. 283-286.

Vasyl Tereshchenko, Yaroslav Tereshchenko.

Triangulating a region between arbitrary polygons.

International Journal of Computing.- 2017.- Vol. 16, Issue 3.- P 160-165.


V. Tereshchenko., Y. Tereshchenko.

Method for detection repetitive elements in textures with irregular structure. Computer Science Research Notes, 2018, pp. 1-6.


V. Tereshchenko, D. Kotsur, Y. Tereshchenko.

A fast approximation of the Voronoi diagram for a set of pairwise disjoint arcs. Computer Science Research Notes, 2018.-pp. 7-13.


D. Kotsur, V. Tereshchenko.

Voronoi-based skeletonization algorithm for segmentation the network of biological neurons.

Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, 2019, ¹ 1, P.98 – 109.


Tereshchenko V, Koriukalov O.

Shape descriptor for object classification.

International Journal of Computing, 2019, 18(2), P. 201-206


Kotsur D., Tereshchenko V.

Optimization Heuristics for Computing the Voronoi Skeleton.

Computational Science. ICCS 2019. Springer. Volume 11536, 2019, P. 96-111.


