Fedir Garashchenko

Fedir Garashchenko

Laureate of State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, Honored ProfessorProfessor, Head of Complex Systems Modelling Department

The head of team ”Problem of Control, Identification and Estimation in Uncertain Dynamic Systems”

National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

The head of team ”Software-hardware means for simulation and optimization of attitude-control systems for Microsatellites” Science Technology Center in Ukraine
(USA, Canada, Sweden and Ukraine), Project 604

Leading Researcher
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)


Postgraduate from Mechanics & Mathematics Faculty
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Candidate of Science
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Ph.D of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Associate Professor of the chair of Complex Systems Modelling
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Professor of the chair of Complex Systems Modelling
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Since 1999
Head of the chair of Complex Systems Modelling
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Development of control system modelling, analysis and optimization and ³ts application for task`s applied mathematics and informatics

Research Fields:
Computer Science

Previous and Current Research

  • CRDF (Civilian Research Development Foundation) Grant, (USA), UA 2-300, July 1997 – June 1999, ”Problem of Control, Identification and Estimation in Uncertain Dynamic Systems”
  • STCU (Science Technology Center in Ukraine) Grant, (USA, Canada, Sweden and Ukraine), Project 604April 2001 – June 2003, ”Software-hardware means for simulation and optimization of attitude-control systems for Microsatellites”

Future Projects and Goals

For development of the work will be focused on the following key elements: 
  • qualitative analysis and evaluation of program trajectories in control systems; 
  • development of problems of practical stability of dynamic systems and the development of numerical methods to determine the optimal estimates; 
  • development of methods of structural and parametric undifferentiated trajectory optimization; 
  • solving problems of sensitivity and calculation of tolerances for parameters; 
  • development of mathematical methods of optimal control of beam trajectories;
  • development of new mathematical technologies for optimal synthesis of structured dynamical systems; 
  • optimal design of accelerating and focusing systems; 
  • modeling and optimization of control systems for microsatellites targeting; 
  • development of methods of digital processing and pattern recognition; 
  • development of new technologies for data compression; 
  • development of adaptive approaches to the analysis, classification and recognition of voice data and images.

The solving of problems bound up with the control system modelling, analysis and optimization as well as accelerating and focusing system designing. The accelerating device designing has still fulfilled by means of the classic physical methods. This approach is not provided with opportunity to obtain particles beam with the optimal output characteristics. We suggest that the computing of accelerating and focusing system with extremal characteristics be carried out by means of stability and optimization methods. The project authors developed the general methodic of optimal accelerating device designing.

Scientific results

The developed algorithms and software were used for designing of heave ions in linear accelerators in Moscow Radio Technical Institute, space objects recognition in Yale University. The team consists of about 20 PhD and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Selected Publications

B.M. Bublik, F.G. Garaschenko, M.F. Kirichenko M.F. 
Structural-parametric optimisation and stability of beams dynamics. 
Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 1985. – 304 p. 

O.M. Bashnyakov, F.G. Garashchenko, V.V. Pichkur 
Practical stability and structural optimization of dynamic systems. 
Êyiv, VPC “KNU”, 2000. – 197 p. 

Garashchenko F.G., Pantalienko L.A. 
Analysis and estimation of parametrical systems. 
Êyiv, ²SD Î, 1995. – 140 p. 

Garashchenko F.G., Pichkur V.V. 
Introduction for analysis and optimization of structural defined systems. 
Êyiv, VPC “KNU”, 2003. – 113 p. 

Garashchenko F.G. 
Problems of structural parametric optimisation of discontinuous dynamic systems 
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, ¹ 2, 1985, p. 28 - 35. 

Garashchenko F.G., Pantaliyenko L.A. 
Investigation of problems of the theory of sensitivity by methods of practical stability 
News AN SSSR, Ser. Technics. Cybernetics, ¹ 6, 1989, p. 17 - 25. 

Garashchenko F.G., Pantaliyenko L.A. 
Investigation of problems of calculation of permission on parameters with the help of methods of practical stability 
Automation and Remote Control, ¹ 4, 1993, p.43 - 55. 

Garashchenko F.G., Osypchuk M.V. 
About some minimax problems of matrix parametric optimization 
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, ¹ 3, 1995, p. 50 - 60. 

Garashchenko F.G., Pantaliyenko L.A. 
Analysis and estimation of parametric systems based on the practical stability methods 
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, ¹ 1 - 2, 1996, p. 145 - 161. 

Garashchenko F.G., Petrovich V.M. 
Numerical-analytic algorithm to determine the trajectories of spacecraft and ³ts application in optimization 
Journal of Cybernetics and computing, V.113, 1997, p. 24 - 31. 

Garashchenko F.G., Kucenko I. A. 
Practical Stability of discrete processes, estimation and optimisation 
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, ¹ 5, 1997, p. 50 - 61. 

Garashchenko F.G., Pichkur V.V. 
Structural optimisation of dynamic system on the basis of the Bellman's General Principle 
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences. ¹ 6, 1997, p. 5 - 12. 

Garashchenko F.G., Pichkur V.V. 
Estimates of optimal sets of initial data in structural form 
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, vol. 33, ¹ 4, 2001, p. 41 - 50. 

Garashchenko F.G., Pichkur V.V. 
Optimal sets of practical stability of differential inclusions 
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, vol.35, ¹ 3, 2003, p. 5 - 12.

Garashchenko F.G., Kirichenko M.F. and others. 
Modern methods and information technology of mathematical modeling, analysis and optimization of complex systems. 
Kyiv.: STPC "Kyiv University", 2006. -200 p. 

Garashchenko F.G., Kirichenko M.F., and others. 
Development of methods and techniques of modeling and optimization of complex systems. 
Publisher "Steel", 2009. - 668 p. 

Garashencko Fedor G., Kulyan Victor R. 
Modeling and Analisys of Investment Trends 
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences. - New York, Connecticut, 2011. - v. 43, issue 12. - P. 48 - 58. 

Bashnyakov O.M., Garashchenko F.G., Kharchenko I.I., Kutsenko I.A., Pichkur V.V., Verchenko A.P. 
Solving of acceleration and focusing systems on the basis of practical stability methods and nonsmooth optimization 
The International Conference on Applied Mathematics Dedicated to the 65-th Anniversary of B.N. Pshenichnyi. Abstracts. - Kyiv. - 2002. - P. 79. 

Garashchenko F.G., Bashniakov O.M., Pichkur V.V. 
Lyapunov function: necessary and sufficient conditions for practical stability 
Preprinted in MATH DS/9810145 

Garashchenko F.G., Verchenko A.P. 
Necessary optimal conditions for one problem of optimization of bunch of trajectories for discrete processes 
Bulletin of Kiev University. - 2001. - Section of cybernetic. 

Garashchenko F.G., Grabova N.I., Lanovenko I.I. 
About one mechanism autoregulation of the breathing process and its mathematical model 
Theory of Optimal Decisions, ¹ 7, 2008, p. 139 – 145. 

Garashchenko F.G., Kobzar A.Ya. 
Interactive building of panorama images using portative computers 
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, ¹ 6, 2013, p. 90 - 102. 

Garashchenko F.G, Skuridina N.S. 
Simulation of the Beam dynamics using matrix differential equations 
Abstracts XXIII Internatianal Conference "Problems and decision making under Uncertainties" (PDMU-2014), Abstracts, May 12-16, 2014 r., Mukachevo, Ukraine, 2014. - P. 84. 

Garashchenko F., Pichkur V. 
Applied problems of the theory of stability.
K.: CUP "Kyiv University", 2014. - 142 p. 

Garashchenko F.G., Kobzar A.Ya. 
Construction of panoramic images in the regime of real time 
Àbstracts of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference "Problems of computer science and computer engineering", IFRIC, Chernivtsi, 2014. - P. 110 - 111. 

Garashchenko F., Pichkur V. 
About maximum properties of multitude External Practical Stability of the discrete systems 
Problems of control and informatics. -2016. - ¹ 2. - P. 30 - 36. 

Bashnyakov O.M., Garashchenko F.G., Pichkur V.V. 
Practical stability, Estimation and Optimization. 
Kyiv, CUP "Kyiv University", 2008. - 383 p. 

F.G.Garashenko, V.R.Kulian,V.N.Petrovich,E.A.Yun’kova
Simulation of the dynamics and diversification of stock portfolio
//Problems of control and informatics. –2016. –¹4. – P. 124-135.

Garashenko F., Yatsenko V., Nalivaichuk N., Petrovich V., Trebina N. 
Apparatus, Mathematical and Algorithmic Guuarantee of Satellite Adaptive Super-Wire Gravimeter
// Visnyk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, ”Cibernetic”. – 1(16)2016. –2016 . - P. 59 - 63.

Garashchenko F.G., Degtyar A. S. 
Structural and parametric data representation on the basis of methods of optimization of the second order
//System research and information technology. - 2016, No. 4. - P.72-83.

Garashchenko F.G., Sopronyuk A.L. 
The analysis of practical stability and sensitivity of the linear dynamic systems with change of dimensionality of phase space
//System researches and information technologies. - 2016.-¹ 3. - Page 76-90.

Garashchenko F.G., Kobzar A.Y. 
Determination technology based on the key points of objects stable boundaries
//System researches and information technologies. - 2017.-¹ 2. - Page 76-90.

Garashchenko F.G., Degtyar A. S. 
Using pseudo-inversion and regularization methods in adaptive models of structural representation and data 
//Problems of control and informatics. –2017. –¹4. – P. 124-135.

Fedir G. Garashchenko, Victor R.Kulian, Yun’kova E.A. 
About two-criteria optimization of the stock portfolio
// System research and information. – 2017. –¹ 3. – P. 72-83.

Garashchenko F.G., Matvienko V.T. 
Adaptive approximation of signals using pseudoinversion methods
// System researches and information technologies.. – 2017. –¹ 4. – Ñ.76-90.


Homepage: http://www.cyb.univ.kiev.ua/uk/departments.csm.garashchenko.html

