Roman Melnyk

Roman Melnyk


Professor of Administrative Law Department at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Senior teaching assistant
University of Internal Affairs, (Ukraine)

Head of the research laboratory of crime prevention and community policing
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Head of administrative law and proceedings department
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Head of the department of administrative law and administrative activities
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Professor of administrative law department, Director of German Law Center, Head of the Program for Approximation of Ukrainian Legislation to Legislation of EU
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)


Master degree
Zaporizhya Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs , Zaporizhya (Ukraine)

University of Internal Affairs, (Ukraine)

Scientific internship
George-August University of Goettingen, Goettingen (Germany)

Scientific internship
George-August University of Goettingen, Goettingen (Germany)

Scientific internship
George-August University of Goettingen, Goettingen (Germany)

Scientific internship
George-August University of Goettingen, Goettingen (Germany)

Research Fields:
Social Science & Humanities

Previous and Current Research

Main field of research:

· issues of administrative law

Current research interest:

· construction law; telecommunications law; Construction law; law of peaceful assembly

Group leader: Dr. Roman Melnyk

Our group is focused on issues of approximation of Ukrainian legislation to the legislation of EU; means of implementation of EU legislation to Ukrainian legislation; preparation of recommendations and guidelines for public authorities regarding approximation of Ukrainian legislation to the legislation of EU.  

Selected Publications

Melnyk R. S.
Initial Provisions of the Theory of Administrative Act Interpretation.
Zhurnal skhidnoievropeiskoho prava. 2016. No. 24. Pp. 6-13.

Melnyk R. S., Mosondz S. O.
Administrative Law of Ukraine (in Charts and Commentaries)
tutorial. K., 2015. 244 p.

Melnyk R. S.
Certain Procedural Issues of Ukrainian Citizens’ Exercise of the Right to Peaceful Assembly.
Zhurnal skhidnoievropeiskoho prava. 2015. No. 17. Pp. 10-21.

Melnyk R. S.
Right to Peaceful Assembly: Theory and Practice.
K., 2015. 168 p.

Melnyk R. S.
Right to Peaceful Assembly. Legislation. Commentary.
Case Law. K., 2015. 240 p.

Roman Melnyk, Olena Schablij, Bernhard Schloer.
Weißbuch zur Reform der ukrainischen Juristischen Ausbildung: Deutsch-Ukrainische Erfahrungen.
Kiew, 21. und 22. November 2014 ; Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Georg-August-Universität Göttingen ; Juristische Fakultät ; Nationale Taras-Schewtschenko-Universität Kiew, Juristische Fakultät ; Zentrum des Deutschen Rechts ; Deutsch-Ukrainischer Rechtswissenschaftlicher Dialog. Herausgeber Roman Melnyk, Olena Schablij, Bernhard Schloer. Kiew, Forschungspark «Taras-Schewtschenko-Universität Kiew», Panov, 2015. 360 S.

Melnyk R. S.
Constitutional Grounds of Limitation of the Right to Peaceful Assembly: How to Understand Them and Implement in Practice.
Zhurnal skhidnoievropeiskoho prava. 2015. No. 16. Pp. 6-17.

Melnyk Roman
Das Konzept der Ausrichtung auf den Menschen in der heutigen Doktrin des ukrainischen Verwaltungsrechts.
Recht der osteuropäischen Staaten. 2015. Heft 3. S. 260–269.

Melnyk R. S.
The Concept of Focus on the Person in Modern Doctrine of Administrative Law.
Pravo Ukrainy. 2015. No. 10. Pp. 157-165.

Melnyk R. S., Bevzenko V. M.
General Administrative Law.
Tutorial. K., 2014. 376 p.

Melnyk R. S.
Right to Scientific Freedom: Condition and Future Exercise within Ukrainian Legal Science.
Administratyvne pravo i protses. 2014. No. 3 (9). Pp. 271-281.

Melnyk R. S.
Right to Peaceful Assembly through Practical Experience of German Administrative Bodies.
Publichne pravo. 2013. No. 4 (12). Pp. 38-45.

Mann Thomas, Melnyk Roman, Bevzenko Volodymyr, Komziuk Anatolii.
Administrative Proceedings: General Part (German Federal Republic, Ukraine).
Tutorial. K., 2013. 308 p. Eds. Bevzenko Volodymyr.

Melnyk R. S.
Civil Society, State and Administrative Law.
Pravo Ukrainy. 2013. No. 8. Pp. 227-233.

Melnyk Roman
Die EU-Integration und deren Bedeutung für den ukrainischen Staat und das ukrainische Recht. Einfluss der Europäischen Union auf die Nationale Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit
Wissenschaftlich-Praktische Konferenz 25.-26. Mai 2011. Charkiw, 2012. S. 50–57.

Yushkevych O. G., Melnyk R. S.
Grounds of Administrative Proceedings: Teaching and Training Book.
Kharkiv, 2012. 266 p.

Melnyk R. S.
System of Administrative Law of Ukraine.
Monograph. Kharkiv, 2010. 398 p.

Ponomarenko H. O., Komziuk A. T., Bevsenko V. M., Melnyk R. S.
Administrative Justice in Ukraine.
Manual. Kyiv, 2009. 198 p. Ed. Komziuk A. T.

Komziuk A. T., Bevsenko V. M., Melnyk R. S.
Administrative Proceeding of Ukraine.
Manual. Kyiv, 2007. 531 p.
