Theory of Information and Coding, Cryptography and Information Security, Artificial Intelligence.
Research Fields:
Computer Science
Previous and Current Research
Previous research:
Development of the theoretical basis and program tools for intellectual ICT
Natural Language processing
Current research:
- Prefix compression codes with multidelimiters.
- The usefulness of the two-base (2,3) numeration system.
- Light-weight fast authentification.
- IoT and delegating computing
Future Projects and Goals
Research will be focused on the following key directions:
- computational linguistics,
- theory of computation,
- compression and information security,
- cryptography,
- algorithms and parallel programming,
- recursive transformes of information,
- artificial intelligence.
Selected Publications
A.V. Anisimov
GEnerating (2,3)-codes
//Cybernetics and Systems Analysis า. 56. น 6. 2020. ั. 12-18
A.V.Anisimov, I.O. Zavadskyi
Reverse multi-delimiter compression codes
//Data Compression Conference Proceedings, 2020-March. ๐๐. 173-182. 910587
A.V. Anisimov, A. Novokshonov
Verifiable Arithmetic Computations Using Additively Homomorphism Tags
//IEEE International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory. Taras Shevchenko National University Kyiv, Ukraine, 1820 th of Dec 2019. pp. 9396.
A.V.Anisimov, I.O. Zavadskyi
Splittable Data Compression Codes
//IEEE International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory. Taras Shevchenko National University Kyiv, Ukraine, 1820 th of Dec 2019. pp. 7174
A. V. Anisimov, I. O. Zavadskyi
Variable-Length Prefix Codes with Multiple Delimiters.
//IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Issue 5. 2017.pp. 2885-2895
A. V. Anisimov, I. O. Zavadskyi
A Family of Data Compression Codes with Multiple Delimiters.
//Prague Stringology Conference, August 2931. 2016.
pp. 71-84.
A. V. Anisimov, I. O. Zavadskyi
Variable length prefix (delta; k)-codes.
//IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking, May 18-21, Constanca, Romania. 2015. pp. 43-47
A. V. Anisimov, O.O. Marchenko
A Parallel Non-Negative Sparse Large Matrix Factorization.
//Proceedings of the PolTAL 2014 9th International Conferenceon Natural Language Processing, 1719 September 2014, Warsaw, Poland.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2014. Vol. 8686.
pp. 136-143
A. V. Anisimov, O.O. Marchenko, V. Y. Taranukha
Semantic and Syntactic Model of Natural Language Based on Tensor Factorization.
//Proceedings of the PolTAL 20149th International Conference on NaturalL anguage Processing, 1719 September 2014, Warsaw, Poland.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2014. Vol. 8655.
A. V. Anisimov, O.O. Marchenko, V. Y. Taranukha
Development of a semantic and syntactic model of natural language by means of non-negative matrix and tensor factorization.
//Proceedings of the 17th International Conference, Text, Speechand Dialogue-2014, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-12, 2014.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2014. Vol. 8655. pp.324-335
A. V. Anisimov, I. O. Zavadskyi
Forward error correcting codes by means of the two-base (2,3)-numeration system
//IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSea Com) took place 27-30 May 2014 in Odessa, Ukraine
A. V. Anisimov, O.O. Marchenko
A Method for Parallel Non-negative Sparse Large Matrix Factorization.
//Proceedings of the 17th International Conference, Text, Speechand Dialogue-2014, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-12. 2014.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014. Vol. 8655.
pp. 344-352
Anisimov A.V., Zavadskyi I. O.
Forward error correcting codes by means of the two-base (2,3)-numeration system
//IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom) took place 27-30 May 2014 in Odessa, Ukraine.
A. V. Anisimov, O.O. Marchenko, V. Y. Taranukha, A. O. Nikonenko
Ukrainian WordNet: Creation and Filling. Flexible Query Answering Systems.
//Lecture Notes in Computer Science Verlag. 2013. Vol. 8132. pp 649-660
Anisimov A.V.
Prefix Encoding by Means of the (2,3)-Representation of Numbers
//IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2013. vol. 59. น4. pp. 2359-2374.
Anisimov A.V. Kysenko V.
GPU-Accelerated Non-negative Matrix Factiorization for Text Miing, Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
//น7337, Springer-Verlag. 2012. pp. 158-163
A.V. Anisimov, V.N. Tereshchenko
One Conception of Creating Tools for Geometric Modeling.
//Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering, 2010. Quebec. Canada. IEEE-CS. pp.260-265.
Anisimov A.V., Knuth D.E.
Inhomogeneous Sorting
//International Journal of Computer and System Sci.Vol.8. n.4. 1979.
Anisimov A.V.
Group Languages.
//Kibernetika (Kiev). 4. 1971.
4d Glushkov ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022
Phone: +38 044 521 35 54 (work), +38 067 277-55-97,