Sergiy Shylo

Sergiy Shylo


Associated Professor
Institute of High Technologies Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Technical optics

Research Fields:

Previous and Current Research

Technical Optics
Statistical optics
Numerical electrodynamics

Lasers have high optical efficiency and emit high-quality beams that produce low-cost, compact optical projectors and illumination systems. However, an image created by the coherent source is modulated by the coherent noise (so-called subjective speckle) which arises from the interference effects when the light is scattered by the rough surface of a screen or illuminated object. Strong reduction of the speckle noise is an urgent problem in designing laser projectors and coherent light systems.

Future Projects and Goals

Speckle suppression in coherent laser TV devices. 

Methodological and Technical Expertise

Technical optics, Fourier Optics and Micro-optics

Selected Publications

Шило С.О.
Спеклы в сканирующем лазерном проекторе: аберрации и дефокусировка объектива
Электронное моделирование 2011. – Т. 33,№5.– С. 83-96.

Шило С.О.
Спеклові ефекти у пристроях реєстрації та відтворення ін¬фор¬мації когерентним світловим випромінюванням
Реєстрація, зберігання і обробка даних – 2011. – Т. 13,№1.– С. 5–20

Шило С.О.
Інтерференційні ефекти при відтворенні інформації частково когерентним випромінюванням
Вісник НТУУ «КПІ» Інформатика, управління та обчислювальна техніка. – 2011. – №53. – С. 28 – 36.

Shylo S.A.
Impact of construction features of diffraction optical modulators on image contrast
Data Recording, Storage and Processing, v.15, N4, 2013, p.56-76

Shylo S.A.
Experiment evaluation of speckle suppression efficiency of 2D quasi-spiral M-sequence-based diffractive optical element
Applied Optics Vol. 54, Issue 28, pp. E47-E54 (2015)

Shylo S.A.
Impact of aberrations on speckle suppression efficiency on moving a DOE inside the optical system
Displays (Elsevier), March 25, 2016

Shylo S.A.
Light emitting diode chip package
Pat. USA, N 8,269,239; September 18, 2012

Shylo S.A.
White light emitting diode and method of manufacturing the same
Pat. USA N 8,324,797; December 4, 2012

Shylo S.A.
White light emitting diode and method of manufacturing thereof
Pat. USA N 8,390,189; March 5, 2013.
