Mykola Dzerzhynsky

Mykola Dzerzhynsky





Assistant Professor

 Department of Histology and Embryology,  O.O.Bogomolets National Medical University

Kyiv (Ukraine)

1987 - 1990
Assistant Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,

Kyiv (Ukraine)

1990 – 1997

Associate Professor

 Department of Cytology, Histology and Biology of theFaculty of Biology, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

Kyiv (Ukraine)

1997 –Present
Head of Department of Cytology, Histology and Developmental Biology  (Since 2016 - Department of Cytology, Histology and Reproductive Medicine)

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,

Kyiv (Ukraine)


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,

Kyiv (Ukraine) 


Participant of Scientific Research Internship Program

University of Salzburg (Austria)

Doctor of Biological Science
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,

Kyiv (Ukraine)

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,

Kyiv (Ukraine) 

Cyto- and histological effects of metabolic and proliferative disorders and methods of their correction

Research Fields:

Previous and Current Research

  • Influence of hypothalamic monoaminergic systems on the reproductive system in normal conditions and stress.

  • Neuroendocrine photorefractoriness mechanisms in birds.

  • Influence of the pineal gland and melatonin on neuroimmunoendocrine system.

  • The study of circadian rhythmicity of the reproductive system in dependence on hypothalamic monoaminergic systems.

  • The study of the relationship of electrophysiological and morphological parameters of hypothalamic functional activity at various conditions of the reproductive system of birds.

  • Kisspeptin and melatonin interaction in the regulation of reproductive function in the central (neuro-glial interactions in the hypothalamus) and peripheral (testis) levels.

  • Nanoparticles impact on neuroendocrine system.

 Research was conducted on birds (Gallus domesticus, Coturnix coturnix, Anser anser) and mammals (Rattus norvegicus). Much attention is paid to the study of control mechanisms of reproductive function at different levels of regulation. Studies have expanded understanding of the neuroimmunoendocrine system in different classes of vertebrates.

Future Projects and Goals

The study of morphological and functional changes in the early stages of developing metabolic syndrome (a model of obesity and diabetes) due to the induction of the activity of the nervous immune-endocrine system in animals of different ages, and the search for possible ways of therapy; Cytological and histological aspects of proliferative and oncogenic disorders and effects of antitumor agents

In particular:

  •        Characteristics of changes in the morpho-functional state of hypothalamic neurosecretory and glial cells in normal conditions and in the development of metabolic syndrome on a background of a different activity of the nervous-immune-endocrine system.
  •        Comparative analysis of the profile and activity of immune cells in the brain (microglia) and normal adipose tissue and under the development of metabolic syndrome and various neural activity-immune-endocrine system.

  •        Investigation of the influence of violations in epiphysis cyclic recurrence on manifestations of the metabolic syndrome.

  •        Analysis of the cellular composition changes of white and brown adipose tissue, the characteristics of adipocytes differentiation and transdifferentiation processes in the development of metabolic syndrome, inflammation, carcinogenesis.

  •        Assessing of the impact of nano-composite materials with adsorbed substances on the manifestations of the metabolic syndrome.

  •        Study of the peculiarities of the influence of different modes of melatonin administration in the development of obesity on different systems of rats (digestive, excretory system, adipose, muscle tissue),

  •        Study of the role of signaling systems and receptors (PPAR, Toll-like receptors, EGFR etc) in proliferative disorders in different types of tissues and cells,

  •        Creation and analysis of the effectiveness of nanocomposite systems for the correction of metabolic and proliferative disorders of various organs and tissues

Methodological and Technical Expertise

  • all variants of microscopic analysis
  • immunocyto / histochemical methods

  • analysis of cytological and histological effects of drugs and toxic substances, biologically active additives, risk assessment of xenobiotics

  • research of pathological processes at cytological and histological levels

Selected Publications

  1. Kalmukova O.O., Yurchenko A.V., Savchuk A.M., Dzerzhynsky M.E. Variable beige adipocyte morphology in obese rats by different times of melatonin administration. Int. J.of Morphology. 2020. 38(3). pp. 737–746.

  2. Kalmukova O.O., Yurchenko A.V., Savchuk A.M., Dzerzhynsky M.E. Changes in the inflammatory status in white adipose tissue of rats with diet-induced obesity at different regimens of melatonin administration. Cytology and Genetics. 2020. V.54, (1). P.38-47.

  3. Chornenka, N.M., Raetska, Y.B., Dranitsina, A.S., Kalmukova O.O., Beregova T.V., Dzerzhynsky M.E., Savchuk, O.M., Ostapchenko, L.I. Molecular genetic and cytological features of healing in esophageal alkaline burns and when melanin is administered. Cytology and Genetics. 2020. 54(4). pp. 333–340.

  4. Golovynska I.,Kalmukova O., Svitina H.M., Kyryk V.M., Shablii V.A., Senchylo N.V., Ostrovska GV2, Dzerzhinskyi M., Stepanov Y.V., Golovynskyi S., Ohulchanskyy T.Y., Liu L., Garmanchuk L.V., Qu J.   Morpho-Functional Characteristics of Bone Marrow Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells after Activation or Inhibition of Epidermal Growth Factor and Toll-Like Receptors or Treatment with DNA Intercalator Cisplatin. Cytometry A. 2019. V.95(1). P.24-33.

  5. Dovbynchuk T., Zakordonets L., Putnikov A., Vareniuk I., Tiapko O., Roslova N., Sergiychuk T., Lynchak O., Dzerzhynsky M., Beregova T.,Tolstanova G. Net water transport via rat colon epithelium under the experimental dysbiosis. Int.J.of Physiology and Pathophysiology. 2017. V.8. P.1-12.

  6. Halenova, T.I., Vareniuk, I.M., Roslova, N.M., ...Ritter, U., Scharff, P.Hepatoprotective effect of orally applied water-soluble pristine C60 fullerene against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in rats. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(102), pp. 100046–100055

  7. Matvienko M.G., Pustovalov A.S., Dzerzhinskó N.E. Age dynamics of cell reaction in the preoptic hypothalamic nucleus during melatonin administration with a special reference to blockade and activation of the kisspeptinergic system. // Adv Gerontol.– 2014.– Vol. 27, ¹ 1.– P. 81-86.

  8. Hurlenko T.N., Voronina O.K, Grischuk V.M., Tolstanova G.M., Dzerzhinsky M.E., Beregova T.V. Changes of functioning of epithelium transport system and morphological parameters of the colon mucosa of rats with hypergastrinemia varying duration. Physiol. zhurnal.- // 2007.- T. 53, ¹ 3.- P. 23-30.

  9. Dzerzhynsky M.E., Nuzhyna N.V., Vareniuk I.M.. Morphometrical studies of reproductive system of birds after treatment with dopamine receptor blockers and melatonin. // Reproductive Biology.– 2006.– Vol. 6, Suppl. 2.– P. 87–92.
  10. Dzerzhynsky M.E., Gorelikova O.I., Pustovalov A.S. The interaction of the thyroid gland, pineal gland and immune system in chicken. // Reproductive Biology.– 2006.– Vol. 6, Suppl. 2.– P. 79–85.
