Head of Chair of Nanophysics of Condensed Matters, Professor
Scientific Researcher
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Head of Research Laboratory
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Invited professor
Ecole Centale de Lyon, France, INSA de Lyon (France)
Assosiate professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Head of Chair of Nanophysics of Condensed Matters
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Graduate of Department of Physics (M.Sc.)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Candidate of Phys.-Math. Sciences (Ph.D.)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Invited researcher
Comenius University, Bratislava (Czechoslovakia)
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Winner of the State Prize in Science and Technology of Ukraine
Honored Worker of Science and Technique of Ukraine
Research Fields:
Previous and Current Research
Previous research:
- Methods for improvement of the efficiency of silicon solar cells at the using porous and nanomaterials (nanosilicon inclusions, new methods of passivations, etc.) were developed. It was shown a significant increase of the short circuit current of multicrystalline silicon solar cell due to re-emission effect and Rayleigh scattering in porous silicon. Optimisation of thin film interdigitated back contacts solar cells was suggested.
- It was developed the general theory of chemical sensors based on metal-nanocrystalline silicon-silicon heterostructures and nanocatalysts. Developed new types of effective chemical sensors for detecting hydrogen, moisture, hydrogen-carbon compounds, heavy metals and organic substances, using fluorescent and electrical transducers based on porous silicon, titanium oxide, graphene and other nanomaterials. The effects of surface states on the kinetics and sensitivity of the chemical sensors of Schottky type were investigated.
- A method of producing hydrogen from porous silicon composites was elaborated. It is based on creation of the solid-state hydrogen sources in the form of tablets based on porous silicon powder, catalyst and silica, support of continuous H2 generation through the activation of tablet with clean water under normal conditions.
Current research
- Development of new types of efficient silicon solar cells, including the solar cells of 3-d generation, Bragg mirrors antireflection coatings, organic layer photoluminescent concentrators, “all silicon” conception.
- Elaboration of photovoltaic sensors and recognition systems (electronic tongue) which makes it possible to perform the integral express identification of different liquids and gases. The sensor is based on a semiconductor structure with special surface modification which provides different responses at the expose to the liquids. The set of responses (light induced photovoltaic signals) obtained at various experimental conditions is individual for the certain substance and can be used for its selective recognition. To improve the efficiency and the accuracy of the recognition, obtained data are analyzed by mathematical methods (pattern recognition analysis).
- The research and development of the methods for preparation of colloidal solutions of Si and SiC quantum dots (QDs) by the method of electrochemical etching of bulk silicon and silicon carbide. Different operation principles and key mechanisms for application of the quantum dots in bioimaging for living cell are studied.
Fig.1 The original structure of electronic tongue based on photoelectrical transducer and experimental 2D distribution of induced current with water drop on the rear side of p-n junction.
Fig.2. Electronic fingerprints of deionized and Vittel™ waters obtained at various polarization potentials on a p-type silicon wafer patterned with thin film SiNX rectangles.
Fig.3 Fluorescence and visible microscopy images of 3T3-L1 cells: (a) without SiC QDs; (b) labeled with negatively charged SiC–CO2H(-30) QDs; (c) labeled with quasineutral SiC–NH2 (+4) QDs and (d) labeled with positively charged SiC–NH2 (+100) QDs.
Fig.4 Kinetics of hydrogen generation: (1) the interaction of pure porous silicon powder with water; (2) the application of the proposed method (activation of the developed pills with water).
Fig.5 Photo of model of portable power supply based on porous silicon hydrogen source and fuel cell.
Participation in Current International Research Projects (Coordinator or Principal Investigator)
- Project MastMST N530785-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-PL-TEMPUS-JPCR “Curricula Development for New Specialization: Master of Engineering in Microsystems Design”, 2012-2016.
- «Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015» #690945“Carbon-based nano-materials for theranostic application” (CARTHER), 2016-2019.
Methodological and Technical Expertise
R&D of various semiconductor devices, MEMS, opto-and nano-electronics, such as solar cells, chemical and gas sensors, radiation sensors, solid-state hydrogen sources. Principal experimental techniques include electronic and atomic force microscopy, optical spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, photoluminescence, electrical and photoelectric methods.
Selected Publications
V.P. Tolstoy, I.Chernyshova, V.A. Skryshevsky
Handbook of Infrared Spectroscopy of Ultrathin Films
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., N.J., 2003, 710 p.
V. Skryshevsky, T.Serdiuk, Y.Zakharko, S.Alekseev, A.Géloën,V. Lysenko
Preparation, Luminescent Properties and Bioimaging Application of Quantum Dots Based on Si and SiC
In: Functional Nanomaterials and Devices for Electronics, Sensors and Energy Harvesting. Ed. Alexei Nazarov, Francis Balestra, Valeriya Kilchytska, Denis Flandre, Springer, Switzerland, 2014, pp.323-348.
V. A.Skryshevsky.
Thermoluninescence of porous silicon.
In: Handbook of Porous silicon. Ed. L.Canham, Springer, Switzerland, 2014, pp.335-344.
Porous Si Structures for Gas, Vapor and Liquid Sensing.
In: Comprehensive Guide for Mesoporous Materials, Volume 3: Properties and Development
Ed. Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, Nova Science Publishers Inc.,US, 2015, pp. 123-146.
V.A. Skryshevsky, V. Lysenko, S.V. Litvinenko,
Hydrogen Generation and Storage in Porous Silicon.
In: Porous Silicon: Opto- and Microelectronic Applications, ed. G.Korotchenkov, Taylor & Francis, NY, 2016, v.3, pp.271-295.
V.A. Skryshevsky, T. Nychyporuk,
Porous Si and Si Nanostructures in Photovoltaics
In: Porous Silicon: Opto- and Microelectronic Applications, ed. G.Korotchenkov, Taylor & Francis, NY, 2016, v.3, pp.209-236.
Lytvynenko S., Lysenko V., Alekseev S., Skryshevsky V.
Procédé et dispositif pour caractériser un milieu fluide à l'aide d'un substrat semi-conducteur
Patent ¹ 1262879 (2013), PCT/FR2013/053134.
Lytvynenko S., Bielobrov D., Lysenko V., Skryshevsky V.
Procédé et dispositif pour caractériser un milieu fluide à l'aide d'un transducteur photo-électrique
Patent ¹ 1262884 (2013), PCT/FR2013/053139.
V.A.Skryshevsky, A.Laugier, V.I.Strikha, V.A.Vikulov.
Evaluation of quantum efficiency of porous silicon photoluminescence
Mat.Sci.Eng. B, 40, 1996, 54-57.
V.Polishchuk, E.Souteyrand, J.R.Martin, V.Strikha, V.Skryshevsky.
. A.Study of the hydrogen detection with the palladium modified porous silicon,
Anal.Chem.Acta, 375, 3, 1998, p.205-210.
V.A.Vikulov, V.I. Strikha, V.A. Skryshevsky, S.S.Kilchitskaya, E.Souteyrand, J.-R. Martin
Electrical features of the metal-thin porous silicon-silicon structure
J.Phys.D, 33, 1957-1964, 2001.
Photoluminescence of inhomogeneous porous silicon at gas adsorption,
Appl.Surf.Sci, 157, 145-150, 2000.
Thin film PV module
Thin Solid Films, 368, 125-129, 2000.
G.V.Kuznetsov, V.A.Skryshevsky, T.A.Vdovenkova, A.I.Tsyganova, P.Gorostiza, F. Sanz
Platinum electroless deposition on silicon from hydrogen fluoride solutions: electrical properties
J.Electrochem. Soc., 148, C528-532. 2001.
Yu.A.Skryshevskii, V.A.Skryshevskii
Thermally stimulated luminescence in porous silicon
J.Appl.Phys., 89, 2711-2714, 2001.
V.A.Skryshevsky, O.V.Tretiak, V.A.Vikulov, V.M.Zinchuk, F.Koch, Th.Dittrich,
Electrical characterisation of a gas sensing device based on porous TiO2
Physica Status Solidi A, 197, 534-538, 2003.
V.Lysenko, J.Vitiello, B. Remaki, D. Barbier, V. Skryshevsky
Nanoscale morphology dependent hydrogen coverage of meso-porous silicon
Appl.Surf.Sci, 230, 2004, 425-430.
O.Nichiporuk, A.Kaminski, M.Lemiti, A.Fave, V.Skryshevsky
Optimisation of interdigitated back contacts solar cells by two-dimensional numerical simulation
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 86, 2005, 517-526.
O.Nichiporuk, A.Kaminski, M.Lemiti, A.Fave, S.Litvinenko, V.Skryshevsky
Passivation of the surface of rear contact solar cells by porous silicon
Thin Solid Films, 512, 246-251, 2006.
V.A.Skryshevsky, V.M.Zinchuk, A.I.Benilov, Yu.S.Milovanov, O.V.Tretyak.
Overcharging of porous silicon localized states at gas adsorption
Semicond. Sci. Technol., 21, 2006,1605-1608.
A.Benilov, I. Gavrilchenko, I. Benilova, V. Skryshevsky, M. Cabrera
Influence of pH solution on photoluminescence of porous silicon
Sensors and Actuators A 137, 345-349, 2007.
V Lysenko, V Onyskevych, O Marty, VA Skryshevsky, Y Chevolot, C Bru-Chevallier
Extraction of UV emitting silicon species from strongly hydrogenated nanoporous silicon
Appl.Phys.Lett, 92, art.251910, 2008.
S.Litvinenko, S.Alekseev, V.Lysenko, A.Venturello, F.Geobaldo, L.Gulina, G.Kuznetsov, V.Tolstoy, V.Skryshevsky, E.Garrone, D.Barbier
Hydrogen production from nano-porous Si powder formed by stain etching
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 35, N 13, 6773-6778, 2010.
Yu. Zakharko, J. Botsoa, S. Alekseev, V. Lysenko, J.-M. Bluet, O. Marty,V. A. Skryshevsky, and G. Guillot
Influence of the interfacial chemical environment on the luminescence of SiC nanoparticles
J.Appl.Phys, 107, art.013503, 2010.
A.I. Manilov, S.A. Alekseev, V.A. Skryshevsky, S.V. Litvinenko, G.V. Kuznetsov, V. Lysenko,
Influence of palladium particles impregnation on hydrogen behavior in meso-porous silicon
J. Alloys and Compounds 492, 466–472, 2010.
T.Serdiuk, V.A.Skryshevsky, M.Phaner-Goutorbe, E.Souteyrand
Monitoring of melamine contamination in fat watery milk by the photoluminescence analysis
Talanta, 82, 1543-1547, 2010.
T.Serdiuk, V.Lysenko, S.Alekseev, V.A. Skryshevsky
Size tuning of luminescent silicon nanoparticles with meso-porous silicon membranes
J. Colloid Interface Sci., 364, N1, 65-70, 2011.
T.Serdiuk, V.A.Skryshevsky, I.I. Ivanov, V.Lysenko
Storage of luminescent nanoparticles in porous silicon: Toward a solid state "golden fleece"
Mater. Lett, 65, N15-16, 2514-2517, 2011.
T.Serdiuk, S.A.Alekseev, V.Lysenko, V.A.Skryshevsky, A.Géloën,
Charge-driven selective localization of fluorescent nanoparticles in live cells
Nanotechnology, 23, N 31, 2012, art. 315101.
I.I.Ivanov, V.A.Skryshevsky, T.Serdiuk, V.Lysenk
Kinetics of adsorption-desorption processes of alcohol molecules in porous silicon Bragg mirror
Sensors and Actuators B, 174, 521-526, 2012.
I.I.Ivanov, V.A.Skryshevsky, T.Nychyporuk, M.Lemiti, A.V.Makarov, N.I.Klyui, O.V.Tretyak
Porous silicon Bragg mirrors on single- and multi-crystalline silicon for solar cells
Renewable Energy, 2013, 55, 79-84.
T.Serdiuk, V.Lysenko, B.Mognetti, V.Skryshevsky, A.Géloën
Impact of cell division on intracellular uptake and nuclear targeting with fluorescent SiC-based nanoparticles
J. Biophotonics, 2013,6, 291–297.
A.I. Manilov, V.A. Skryshevsky
Hydrogen in porous silicon — A review
Mater. Sci. Eng. B., 2013, 178, 942–955.
T.Serdiuk, S.Alekseev, V.Lysenko, V.Skryshevsky, A.Géloën.
Trypsinization dependent cell labeling with fluorescent nanoparticles
Nanoscale Res. Letters, 2014, 9, Art. N 568.
S.Litvinenko, D.Bielobrov, V.Lysenko, T.Nychyporuk, V.Skryshevsky
Might silicon surface be used for electronic tongue application?
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 18440-18444.
O.L.Syshchyk, V.A.Skryshevsky, O.O.Soldatkin, A.P.Soldatkin.
Enzyme biosensor systems based on porous silicon photoluminescence for detection of glucose, urea and heavy metals
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 66, 89-94.
V.A.Skryshevsky, Yu.S.Milovanov, I.V.Gavrilchenko, S.ITiagulskyi, A.V. Rusavsky, V.S. Lysenko, A.N. Nazarov
Impedance spectroscopy of single graphene layer at gas adsorption
Phys.Stat .Sol. A, 212, 1941-1945, 2015
T.Serdiuk, I.Bakanovich, V.Lysenko, S.A. Alekseev, V.A. Skryshevsky, S.Afonin, E.Berger, A. Géloën, I.V.Komarov
Delivery of SiC-based nanoparticles into live cells driven by cell-penetrating peptides SAP and SAP-E
RSC Advances, 5 (26), 20498-20502, 2015.
S.V. Litvinenko, A.V. Kozinetz, V.A.Skryshevsky
Concept of photovoltaic transducer on a base of modified pn junction solar cell
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 224, 2015, 30–35.
S.V. Litvinenko, D.O. Bielobrov, V. Lysenko, V.A. Skryshevsky
Optical Addressing Electronic Tongue Based on Low Selective Photovoltaic Transducer with Nanoporous Silicon Layer
Nanoscale Research Letters 11 (1), 374-378, 2016
Homepage: http://iht.univ.kiev.ua/DepartmentNano