Galyna Kupalova

Galyna Kupalova


Head of the Ukrainian and German Department of

 Environmental Management and Entrepreneurship

Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Kyiv (Ukraine).


Agricultural Management Agency, Vasyl'kiv, Kyiv region (Ukraine)


Chief Accountant
Vasyl'kiv Regional Association «Sil'hosptekhnika», Vasyl'kiv, Kyiv region (Ukraine)

Junior Research Scientist
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Senior Research Scientist
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Leading Research Scientist
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Head of the Sector of Labor Market
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Deputy Head of the Department of Social Policy and Labor Market
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Head of the Department of Social Development
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Deputy Head of the Department of Agricultural and Social Policy
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Main Research Scientist
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing
Academy of Municipal Management, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing
Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Vice-Rector for Research, Head of the Department
Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Head of the Ukrainian and German Department
Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)


1972 – 1976
National Agrarian University, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Post-graduate study
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Training on integrated territorial development, increase population incomes
Sofia (Bulgaria)

Senior Research Scientist
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Training course on banking, lending and financing of agriculture in Ukraine
Kyiv (Ukraine). Certificate

Training on privatization and modern management of the agricultural enterprises
Kyiv, Berlin (Ukraine, Germany). Certificate. 

Doctor of Economics
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine) 

Training Course on Project Analysis in Agriculture
Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Moscow (Russian Federation)

Training Course on Project Analysis in Agriculture
(Toronto, Saskatoon (Canada). Certificate.
Study on reforming the system of population social protection
London (United Kingdom)

Professor, specialty area: Demography, Labor, Social Economics and Politics
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Study on the reform of higher education under the Bologna process
Hajdúszoboszló (Hungary)

Training Course on Introduction of Clean Technologies in Industrial Branches: Experiences of Germany
Bad Saarow (Germany). Certificate.

Training courses on 1S: Accounting 8.2 for Ukraine Kyiv (Ukraine). Certificate 
Training courses on Sustainable Innovation Management and Efficiency Technologies in the German Health: Experience Transfer
Bad Saarow (Germany). Certificate
Green School Kyiv (Ukraine) 


Internship (training and practical courses) on training of specialists in the field of stock market «Exchange activity and trade», Kyiv (Ukraine), 2018. Certificate.

Listened the theoretical and practical course on work with the computer program "ME.Doc". Got the right to teach training courses on work with this program. 

Internship at Karaganda Economic University (Kazakhstan) on the topic "Development of entrepreneurship, trade and logistics in the languages of digitization of the knowledge economy" (1 month - November 2018) (in the framework of academic mobility). 

Advanced training (internship) at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics from 01.09 to 02.11. 2018 and from 04.12.2018 to 31.01.2019 (order dated 29.11.2018, ¹4478).

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Environmental Entrepreneurship, Trade and Logistics in Ukraine

Research Fields:
Economics & Business

Previous and Current Research

Expected results:

  • conceptual bases of formation the environmental entrepreneurship and trade state policy,
  • methodology of analysis of trade and environmental entrepreneurship development.

Theme of the department (current): Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Environmental Entrepreneurship, Trade and Logistics in Ukraine.

Expected results:

  • scientific and methodological tools for conducting environmental research;
  • analysis, key trends in the environment and their impact on society;
  • methodology of assessment the effectiveness of environmental management processes;
  • conceptual issues in management of the environmental processes,
  • recommendations on the formation mechanism of environmental processes management at the micro level;
  • proposals for sustainable economic development, efficient model of environmental processes management in Ukraine.

Group Leader: Doctor of Economics, Professor Galyna Kupalova.

The team consists of two researchers (professors), 5 doctors of philosophy (Ph.D.), 1 representative of technical staff, postgraduate students and students.

Methodological and Technical Expertise

Research Groups

Group Leader

Research Focus

Research Fields


Galina Kupalova

Environmental economics, environmental management and entrepreneurship

Economics and Business

Scientific Research

Department of Environmental Management and Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Economics



Sales management,

commodity science,

quality management, technical regulation


Economics and Business

Scientific Research

Department of Environmental Management and Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Economics

Lyudmila Gatska

Environmental economics, environmental management and entrepreneurship

Economics and Business

Scientific Research

Department of Environmental Management and Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Economics

Tetyana Kharchenko

Competitiveness of enterprise, quality management

Economics and Business

Scientific Research

Department of Environmental Management and Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Economics

Julia Sagaydack

Theoretical and methodological issues of building enterprise’s environmental strategy and economic mechanisms of environmental management

Economics and Business

Scientific Research

Department of Environmental Management and Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Economics

Natalya Goncharenko

Environmental audit, strategy of green business development

Economics and Business

Scientific Research

Department of Environmental Management and Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Economics

Tetyana Murovana

Environmental audit, environmental taxation

Economics and Business

Scientific Research

Department of Environmental Management and Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Economics

Julia Nikitchenko

Environmental management and entrepreneurship, international green business

Environment and Climate Action

Scientific Research

Department of Environmental Management and Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Economics


Selected Publications

Bazulevych V.D., Kupalova G.I., Gatska L.P. and others. (2010). Hlosarii zelenoho biznesu: ukrainsko-nimetsko-rosiisko-anhliiskyi [Green Business Glossary: Ukrainian, German, Russian and English]. Kyiv: Znannya. (in Ukrainian).

Kupalova G.I., Honcharenko N.V. (2011). Oblik i analiz biolohichnykh aktyviv: problemy ta shliakhy vyrishennia.Monohrafiia [Accounting and analysis of biological assets: porblemy and solutions.Monograph]. Kyiv: Education of Ukraine. (in Ukrainian).

Bazylevych V.D., Snizhko S.I., Kupalova G.I., Kharchenko T.B. and others. (2014) Zmina klimatu mista Kyieva: problemy ta shliakhy yikh zapobihannia. Kolektyvna monohrafiia [Climate Change in Kyiv: problems and ways to prevent them. Collective monograph]. Kyiv: Starter Publ. (in Ukrainian).

Kupalova G.I., Murovana T.O. (2014) Ekoloho-ekonomichni aspekty obliku ta audytu zoboviazan za podatkamy i zboramy) [Ecological and economic aspects of accounting and auditing of the taxes and duties liabilities. Monograph]. Kyiv: Education of Ukraine. (in Ukrainian).

Halyna Kupalova, Victoria Chetveryk. Personnel development as a basis for the agricultural enterprises’ success // Economic Annals-XXI). – 2015. – ¹1– 2. – Ñ. 28-31 (Scopus).

Viktor Bazylevych, Galyna Kupalova, Zhanna Bulhairova, Larysa Satyr, Natalia Goncharenkî. The efficiency of use of the human capital in the agriculture// Problems and Perspectives in Management". – ¹4. – 2016. – Ñ.97-102 (Scopus).

Kupalova G., Bazylevych V., Goncharenko N., Murovana T., Grynchuk J. Improvement of the Effectiveness of Organic Farming in Ukraine // Problems and Perspectives in Managements. – ¹ 3 (15).– 2017. – P. 97-103 (Scopus).


Kupalova G.²., Khrutba J.S. Ecological and economic aspects of optimization of logistic flows of enterprises: monograph. – Ê.: Komprint, 2019. – 143 p.

Kupalova G.  Information Technologies in Training of Green Business Managers /G. Kupalova, N. Goncharenko // 15th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer.- Volume I: Main Conference. Kherson, Ukraine, June 12-15, 2019. – P. 348-357 (Scopus).


Kupalova G. Information and Analytical Support for Organizing Commodity Flow on Environmental and Economic Basis / G. Kupalova, N. Goncharenko, J. Khrutba // Advanced Computer Information Technologies. ACIT 2019. – P. 374-379 (Scopus).


Profile in the Scopus base
