Professor, Head of Economic Cybernetics Department
from Scientific researcher to Head of Economic Cybernetics Department, Professor
Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
1975 – 1980
Major : Applied Mathematics
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Post-graduate study
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Candidate of Science
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
November 1994
Specialization : Statistics
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Netherland)
December 1994
Specialization : Actuarial Mathematics
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven (Belgium)
October 1996
Specialization : Econometrics
Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Munich (Germany)
November 1998
Specialization : Survey Sampling
University of Helsinki, Helsink (Finland)
March 2005
Doctor of Economics
Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
June 2009
Specialization : Statistics
Stockholm University, Stockholm (Sweden)
State security assessment: Socio-eco-economics & socio-economics in ecological approaches
Research Fields:
Economics & Business
Previous and Current Research
Research interests of Prof. Chernyak focuses on Survey Sampling and he has pioneered this field by developing several new methods and their applications, as presented in >250 scientific publications and presentations at international meetings. He has for more than 39 years investigated various aspect of primary in the field of the Statistics, Econometrics, Risk Analysis, Sampling Technique, Actuarial Mathematics. Prof. Chernyak has a well-established national and international scientific network and an excellent track record for attracting and coordinating large-scale funding and multidisciplinary research projects: project “Forecasting of Balance of Payments of Ukraine” with National Bank of Ukraine; project “Methods of forecasting profits and losses of enterprises of Ukraine” with Ministry of Economics of Ukraine; local coordinator of 3 Tempus Tasis Joint European Projects: TJEP 10353-97- Statistical Aspects of Economics, CD-JEP 21135-2000 – A New Economic Speciality for the Classical Universities of Ukraine, 530534-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-UK-TEMPUS-SMGR Tempus project IMPRESS – “Improving the Efficiency of Student Services”; member of IASS (International Association of Survey Statisticians); local coordinator in Ukraine of ENBIS (European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics).
Future Projects and Goals
Development of a conceptual methodology to synthesize approaches to security assessment in the context of the 5 main sectors: military, political, economic, environmental and social. Assessment of the distinctive features and dynamics of state security in the context of these 5 sectors.
Some particularly:
1) Environmental risk assessment
Environmental risk assessment is the identification and assessment of the likelihood of an event with adverse consequences for the environment, public health, enterprise activity and caused environmental pollution, violation of environmental requirements, emergency situations of natural and manmade.
Environmental risk assessment helps to:
- Identify potentially possible environmental risks, eliminate or minimize them.
- Predict the onset of adverse effects, prevent or minimize the likelihood of their occurrence.
- Obtain quantitative and qualitative indicators of adverse effects.
- To prevent accidents, injury to the population, components of the environment, damage to the reputation of the entity implementing the project
Environmental risk assessment in the project will involve the following steps:
- Establish what emergency situations related to environmental arsenic pollution may occur due to project;
- Valuation of the full elimination of environmentally significant impacts caused by each type of emergency situation;
- Determine the probability of each type of emergency.
2) Energy sector assessment (incl. smart technologies)
Policy recommendations are decision path premises for the development of an energy efficient community. Before the stage of policy recommendations, the analysis would bring the best know how by integrating good practices transfer and case studies, national resources assessment on the short and long term. Innovative strategic priorities should be taken into account.
We have already full and deep literature review on the topic and critical analyses of done similar projects in the EU.
Methodological and Technical Expertise
In the project Team can be the partner responsible for scientific expertise of the project ideas, main tasks and results. Main idea of the project and drawing of main objectives can be on the responsibility of Team. Team can lead the work package pertaining to develop adequate policies for the socio-economic sector within the framework of state reforms in the target countries and contribute actively to the dissemination efforts of the project. In addition, Team can contribute to the development of methodology for analysis and identification of relevant stakeholders and components – decision making institutions and national relevant players.
Econometrics, sample technique, risk assessment, threats analyses, dynamic modeling, optimization, time series analyses and forecasting, PTA.
Selected Publications
Chernyak O.I., Stavytskyy A.V.
Dynamic Econometrics. Textbook.
Kyiv: 2000, 120 p.
Chernyak O.I.
Survey Sampling: Monograph.
Kyiv, 2001. – 248 p
Chernyak O.I., Stavytskyy A.V., Chornous G.O.
Economic Data Processing Systems. Textbook
Kyiv: 2006, 447 p.
Heets V.M., Kyzym M.O., Klebanova T.S., Chernyak O.I., Bazhenova O.V.
Modelling of Economic Security: State, Region, Enterprise: Monograph.
Kharkiv: 2006. – 239 p.
Heets V.M., Klebanova T.S., Chernyak O.I., Ivanov V.V., Dubrovina N.A., Stavytskyy A.V.
Models and Methods of Social and Economic Forecasting. Textbook. – 2nd ed.
Kharkiv: 2008, 396 p.
Chernyak O.I., Komashko O.V., Stavytskyy A.V., Bazhenova O.V.
Econometrics: Textbook. / Edited by O.Chernyak
Kiyv, 2010. -359 p.
Pavlenko T., Chernyak O.
Credit Risk Modeling Using Bayesian Networks
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2010, Volume 25, Issue 4.-Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company, pp.326 – 344.
Chernyak O., Bazhenova O.
Stability Price Index: Peculiarity of Modeling in Ukraine
Argumenta Oeconomica. - Wroclaw University of Economics ,2010, N 1 (24),pp.21-29.
Chernyak O., Chernyak Y.
Classification of Financial Conditions of the Enterprises in Different Industries of Ukrainian Economy Using Bayesian Networks
Proceedinds of 5 International Conference On Information Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA-2011), September 8-11, 2011, Skiathos Island, Greece.-Volume II. –P.519-530.
Chernyak O., Chernyak Y.
Modern Challenges in Governmental Regulation of Labour Force Migration in Ukraine
Ekonomika, 2012,vol.91 (1), pp.93-104. (Lithuania).
Chernyak O., Khomyak V. , Chernyak Y.
Main Triggers of the Balance of Payment Crisis in the Eastern Europe
Procedia Technology,2013, Vol.8, ðp.47-50.
Chernyak O., Fareniuk Y.
Research of Global New Investment in Renewable Energy
Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics,2015, Vol. 177, pp.59-67.
Actual Problems of Forecasting of Complex Socail-Economic Systems Beh * avior:Monograph / Edited by O.Chernyak and P.Zaharchenko.
Berdyansk, 2016.- 512 p.
Kharlamova G., Nate S., Chernyak O.
Renewable Energy And Security For Ukraine: Challenge Or Smart Way?
Journal of International Studies, 2016, Vol. 9, No 1, pp. 88-115 10.14254/2071-8330.2016/9-1/7
Homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Oleksandr_Chernyak