Developmental and Educational Psychology, Socialization & Resocialization of Personality and Development of Social Endowments
Research Fields:
Previous and Current Research
- Developmental and Educational Psychology, Socialization and Resocialization of Personality and Development of Social Endowments
- Psychological problems of social development of human psyche in ontogenesis
- Motives and mechanisms of formation and development of individual and collective subjects of social vital activity
- Social adaptation and resocialization of unemployed persons
The object of current research:
The aim of the study was trace the personality changes during a change of profession and reeducation.
In the empirical part of the study were involved unemployed persons and people that were taking a second education.
Study of self-transformation in the process of reeducation embraces the individual component of act activity— its dynamics in the process of reeducation, a strategy of responding to stress through the use of technique "Man in the Rain"; motivational component - in-depth study of the structure of educational motivation in students who are reeducation; cognitive component - relationship to past performance, future and the actual process of reeducation, a system of dispositions through the use of research questionnaires.
The study was conducted at the beginning and at the end of reeducation through the use of methods: for "Adaptive activity" SPA and "Assessment disposition."
Future Projects and Goals
Articulation of issue. Information society changes the structure of employment rights - reduction of the working day and working week, ongoing training, creating external conditions for informal socialization.
Previous studies. The presence of these external conditions ensures the distribution of such phenomena as informal socialization. In modern psychological science, there are few studies of socialization within the informal educational process. In the analysis of both domestic and foreign scientific sources it wasn't trace no reference to a systematic study of this phenomenon.
The aim - to identify the typology and features of informal socialization. In today's world along with every type of traditional socialization begins to emerge an informal analog (Table 1.)
Informal socialization features
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Multi-representant groups
Development of empathy and tolerance
Training, festivals,
informal education
Formation of individual competencies
Nontraditional religious faiths
Self-development within religious teachings
Creation of a personal cultural space
Self Designing
Choosing and creation of the own work culture
Informal associations
Achievement of personally and socially meaningful goal
Recreational activities
Having fun, improving the quality of life
Conclusion. The informal types of socialization should be discussed in detail in the subsequent empirical research.
Selected Publications
Мілютіна К.Л.
Методи діагностики стосунків між власниками та їх домашніми улюбленцями
// Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету вип.. 2 т.2. стр. 46-51
Мілютіна К.Л.
Чинники успішності взаємодії власників тварин та їх домашніх улюбленців
// Проблеми сучасної психології, №1 (5) – 2014, стр. 84-89
Мілютіна К.Л.
Особливості життєвої стратегії особистості у сфері зайнятості в умовах соціальної нестабільності
//Вироб.-практ. наук. журнал «Ринок праці та зайнятість населення». К.: ІПК ДСЗУ, 2015, випуск 2. – С.54 – 58.
Мілютіна К.Л.
Типологія нормативних та девіантних стосунків між власниками та їх домашніми улюбленцями
//Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету, Херон: 2015 вип.. 2 т.1. стр. 52-57
Miliutina K.
Interaction with animals as a factor to overcome the tensions
//International scientific professional periodical journal «THE UNITY OF SCIENCE» / publishing office Friedrichstrabe 10– Vienna – Austria, 2015, Vol.3. р.64-66
O. Vlasova
Рsychology of development of social capabilities is in ontogenesis (full ontogenesis).
(Scientific monograph), Ottawa, Accent Graffiсs Communication. – 2016. – 330 p.
O. Vlasova
Psychology of Social Skills: Structure, Dynamics, Developmental Factors
Kyiv: Publishing and printing center “Kyiv University." – 2005. – 308 р.
Vlasova, O.I., Fadeeva K.-M. O., Gulenko A. S.
Psychological integrity of the individual constructs in the methodology philosophy of existentialism and existential psychology
O. Vlasova, J. Vashchenko, I. Danyliuk, V. Shcherbyna
Experience of interdisciplinary research of development of holistic personality in the social changes
Psychology and personality, № 2 (10) Part 1. – 2016. – pp. 116-127.
O. Vlasova, A. Gulenko, I. Danyluk, X.-M. Fadeeva, V. Shcherbyna
The types of personal integrity of the modern Ukrainian multicultural society