Gennadi Milinevsky

Gennadi Milinevsky


Principal Researcher


1974 – 1979


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

1979 – 1987

Senior Researcher of Space Physics Laboratory

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

1987 – 2002

Head of Space Physics Laboratory

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

1996 – 1997

Base Commander in the First Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition winter-over at Vernadsky Antarctic Station

1999 – 2006

Deputy Director of Sciences of the National Antarctic Scientific Centre of Ukraine

2002 – 2006

Leading Researcher of Space Physics Laboratory

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

2006 – 2019

Head of Space Physics Laboratory

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

2019 – Present

Principal Researcher

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)




Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)



Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)


Doctor of Physics and Mathematics

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Atmosphere, Environment, Climate Change

Research Fields:
Enviroment & Climate Action

Previous and Current Research

Research interests, previous and current research

Atmosphere research: stratosphere, tropopause, ozone layer and ozone depletion, aerosols in the atmosphere, planetary waves. Climate change processes and their impact to ozone layer and ecosystems including climate change and ozone hole dynamics impact on Antarctic ecosystem. Radiactive contamination impact on environment.

Recent and Current Projects

  • 2016-ongoing

Spatial-temporal distribution of the atmosphere contamination by fine mode aerosols in the East-European region on the base of joint radiometer and lidar measurements and modelling

A project purpose is to determine the spatial-temporal distribution and descriptions of aerosol fine mode particles which have mainly an anthropogenic origin, in the atmosphere over Ukraine, Belarus and adjusted regions of Eastern Europe. Fine mode aerosol particles of sub-micron size are able to influence substantially on distribution of Sun radiation in the atmosphere and on water vapor condensation and cloud formation. In the project data of the ground-based and satellite observations will be used for modeling of aerosol distribution and transfer, taking into account the chemical transformations by using chemistry-transport model GEOS-Chem.

  • 2011-ongoing

Aerosol-UA space mission for remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols

Ukrainian space project Aerosol-UA aimed in providing information on the terrestrial atmospheric aerosol spatial distribution and microphysics to quantify the aerosol contribution to the climate change and planet energy budget modeling. The aerosol remote sensing concept of the project is based on precise orbital measurements of the intensity and polarization of sunlight scattered by the atmosphere and the surface by the scanning polarimeter ScanPol accompanied by the wide-angle multispectral imager-polarimeter MSIP. Advantages of the project will be provided by several features: (1) polarization is a relative measurement that can be made accurately; (2) polarimetric ScanPol measurements can stably calibrated on the orbit; (3) polarization change with scattering angle and wavelength gives information on size, refractive index and shape of aerosol; (4) synergy of scanner and imager will produce new quality of data on aerosol properties. The project Aerosol-UA is planned to be realized at new satellite platform developed in Yuzhnoye SDO.

  • 2010-ongoing

Ozone monitoring at GAW station Kyiv-Goloseyev

The Kyiv-Goloseyev ozone monitoring Regional GAW station No. 498 (GAW ID KGV) with the Dobson ozone spectrophotometer D040 has been established by Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU) in collaboration with the Main Astronomical Observatory (MAO) NAS of Ukraine. The scientific team in charge of atmospheric chemistry observations at the station: Space Physics Laboratory of KNU and Laboratory for Atmospheric Optics of MAO included 7 scientists total, who joined in the United Laboratory of Atmospheric Optics and Aerosol of KNU and MAO. PI for the station and research: Dr Gennadi Milinevsky.

  • 2012-2016

Polar FORCES, Ukraine-Australia: Polar Feedbacks between Ozone Recovery and Climate in the Southern hemisphere

  • 2008-2014

PACT SCAR Action Group, Ukraine-Australia: Polar Atmospheric Chemistry at the Tropopause

  • 2013-2015

PICS, Ukraine-France: Aerosols, water vapor and ozone impact on Ukraine regional climate

  • 2010-2012

Ukraine-USA: Atmospheric aerosols over Ukraine studied by combining ground-based measurements and satellite data. CRDF Project UKG2-2969-KV-09.

Selected Publications

Shi Y, Shulga V, Ivaniha O, Wang Y, Evtushevsky O, Milinevsky G, Klekociuk A, Patoka A, Han W, Shulga D. Comparison of Major Sudden Stratospheric Warming Impacts on the Mid-Latitude Mesosphere Based on Local Microwave Radiometer CO Observations in 2018 and 2019. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(23):3950. doi:10.3390/rs12233950

Grytsai A., Evtushevsky O., Klekociuk A., Milinevsky G., Yampolsky Y., Ivaniha O., Wang Y. Investigation of the Vertical Influence of the 11-Year Solar Cycle on Ozone Using SBUV and Antarctic Ground-Based Measurements and CMIP6 Forcing Data. Atmosphere. 2020; 11(8):873.

Milinevsky, G.; Miatselskaya, N.; Grytsai, A.; Danylevsky, V.; Bril, A.; Chaikovsky, A.; Yukhymchuk, Y.; Wang, Y.; Liptuga, A.; Kyslyi, V.; Turos, O.; Serozhkin, Y. Atmospheric Aerosol Distribution in 2016–2017 over the Eastern European Region Based on the GEOS-Chem Model. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 722. doi:10.3390/atmos11070722.

Milinevsky, G., Evtushevsky, O., Klekociuk, A., Wang, Y., Grytsai, A., Shulga, V., Ivaniha, O. Early indications of anomalous behavior in the 2019 spring ozone hole over Antarctica. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020, 41(19), 7530--7540;

Milinevsky, G., Y. Oberemok, I. Syniavsky, A. Bovchaliuk, I. Kolomiets, I. Fesianov, Y. Wang. Calibration model of polarimeters on board the Aerosol-UA space mission. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 229, May 2019, Pages 92-105.

Wang, Y., Shulga, V., Milinevsky, G., Patoka, A., Evtushevsky, O., Klekociuk, A., Han, W., Grytsai, A., Shulga, D., Myshenko, V., and Antyufeyev, O.: Winter 2018 major sudden stratospheric warming impact on midlatitude mesosphere from microwave radiometer measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 10303–10317,, 2019.

Grytsai A., Klekociuk A., Milinevsky G., Evtushevsky O., Stone K. (2017) Evolution of the eastward shift in the quasi-stationary minimum of the Antarctic total ozone column. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 1741-1758, doi:10.5194/acp-17-1741-2017

Miatselskaya N., Kabashnikov V. , Milinevsky G., Chaikovsky A., Danylevsky V., Bovchaliuk V. (2016) Atmospheric aerosol distribution in the Belarus-Ukraine region by the GEOS–Chem model and AERONET measurements. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37:14, 3181-3195,

Milinevsky G., Yatskiv Ya., Degtyaryov O. , et al. (2016). New satellite project "Aerosol-UA": remote sensing of aerosols in the terrestrial atmosphere. Acta Astronautica, V. 123. 2016. – P. 292–300. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2016.02.027,

Evtushevsky O.M., Kravchenko V.O., Hood L.L., Milinevsky G.P. (2015). Teleconnection between the central tropical Pacific and the Antarctic stratosphere: spatial patterns and time lags. Climate Dynamics. Vol. 44, N 8. – P. 1841–1855. doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2375-2

Milinevsky G., Danylevsky V., Bovchaliuk V., Bovchaliuk A., et al. (2014). Aerosol seasonal variations over urban sites in Ukraine and Belarus according to AERONET and POLDER measurements. Atmospheric Measurements Techniques. Vol. 7, N 5. 1459–1474. doi:10.5194/amt-7-1459-2014



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