Research Fields:
Social Science & Humanities
Previous and Current Research
Main field of research:
- Issues of Approximation of Ukrainian Legislation to EU Law;
- Legal Theory of Law;
- Issues of Waste Management in Ukraine
Current research interest:
- Issues of Approximation of Ukrainian Waste Legislation to EU Law
Selected Publications
Kravchenko M. G.
Approximation of Ukrainian Legislation to EU Law: Current State, Issues and Prospects.
Administrative law and process: scientific journal. 2016. No. 2 (16) / 2016. Pp. 137–146.
Kravchenko M. G.
Level of Compliance between Ukrainian Legislation and EU Law in the Field of Household Waste.
Journal of Eastern European Law. 2016. No. 30. Pp. 35−43.
Kravchenko M. G.
Implementation of European Principles in the Field of Waste Management into National Legislation of Ukraine: Current Situation and Prospects.
Eurasian Academic Research Journal. 2016. No. 5. Pp. 118−125.
Kravchenko M. G.
Waste Management: European Requirements and Ukrainian Realities.
Eurasian Academic Research Journal. 2016. No. 6. Pp. 149-157.
Kravchenko M. G.
Ideology and terminology number of Directive 2008/98 / EC on waste of 19 November 2008, as a source of Adaptation of Ukraine to the EU legislation in the field of waste management.
Eurasian Academic Research Journal. 2017. No 2. Pp. 67–75.