Oleksii Pronevych

Oleksii Pronevych

Chief Researcher of the Program for Approximation of Ukrainian Legislation to Legislation of EU, Doctor of Law, Professor

PhD student
Kharkiv State University, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Scientific Secretary
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Head of the department of administrative work of the police
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Chief Researcher
National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Chief Researcher
National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Chief Researcher
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

School of Law at University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

defended a dissertation for the degree of the Doctor of Juridical sciences on «The organizational and legal framework for police (militia) in Germany, Poland and Ukraine: comparative legal analysis»

Research Fields:
Social Science & Humanities

Previous and Current Research

Main field of research:

  •  Àdministrative Law;
  •  Police Law;
  •  Comparative administrative Law;
  •  Comparative police Law;
  •  Prosecutor's Law

Current research interest:

  • The theory and practice of Approximation of Ukrainian Legislation to the Legislation of the UE

Selected Publications

Pronevych O.S.
The organizational and legal framework for police (militia) in Germany, Poland and Ukraine: comparative legal analysis
/ O.S. Pronevych. – Kharkiv : NikaNova, 2011. - 509 p.

Pronevych O.
Wprowadzenie na Ukrainie modelu działności policyjnej, bazowanej na poparciu spolecznosci : stan i perspektywy
/ O. Pronevych // Cykl konferencji prewencji policyjnej w euroregionie Nysy w okresie lat 2003 do 2005. Projekt Dyrekcji Policji Łużyce Gorne-Dolny Śląsk – wspomagany ze srodkow finansowych programu UE Inerreg III A. Konferencija 4, sroda 27.10.2004 r. – Görlitz, 2005. – S. 78-81.

Pronevych O.S.
Community Policing - the concept of partnership of the police and the public: the nature and modern foreign approaches to its implementation
/ O.S. Pronevych // Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Internal Affairs. – 2007. – ¹ 1. – P. 175-282.

Pronevych O.S.
The place and role of the police (militia) in the system of public authorities
/ O.S. Pronevych // Problems of Law and Law Enforcement. - 2008. - ¹ 4. - P. 50-63.

Pronevych O.S.
The privatization of police tasks: the experience of Germany and Poland
/ O.S. Pronevych // Law and Society. - 2008. - ¹ 4. - P. 27-34.

Pronevych O.S.
Principles of police (militia) in police law of modern states
/ O.S. Pronevych // Problems of Law and Law Enforcement. - 2009. - ¹ 2. - P. 191-205.

Pronevych O.S.
Models of police management: analysis of international experience
/ O.S. Pronevych // Problems of Law and Law Enforcement. - 2009. - ¹ 1. - P. 145-167.

Pronevych O.S.
Reception police law: problems and prospects
/ O.S. Pronevych // Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal. – 2010. – ¹ 1. – P. 118-126.

Pronevych O.S.
The term “police” administrative (police) law of modern states
/ O.S. Pronevych // Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal. – 2011. – ¹ 3. – P. 249-257.

Pronevych O.S.
The hierarchy of sources of police law in Germany and Poland
/ O.S. Pronevych // Law and Security. – 2011. – ¹ 4. – P. 75-81.

Pronevych O.S.
The laws on police land as the main source of German law police
/ O.S. Pronevych // Answer rights. – 2012. – ¹ 1. – P. 808-815 http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/FP/2012-1/12pocppn/pdf.

Pronevych O.S.
Interaction as part of the activities of prosecutors
// Law and Security. – 2014. - ¹ 3. – P. 75-81.

Pronevych O.S.
The disciplinary responsibility of prosecutors: doctrinal justification and legal consolidation
/ O.S. Pronevych // Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal. – 2015. – ¹ 3. – P. 213-222.

Pronevych O.S.
Adaptation of national legislation to European Union: doctrinal and legal aspect Affairs
/ O.S. Pronevych // Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal. – 2016. - ¹ 3. - P. 59-69.

Pronevych O.S.
Institutional Framework of Adaptation of Ukraine to the acquis communautaire: the legal status of consolidation and improving prospects Affairs
/ O.S. Pronevych // Law and Security. - 2016. - ¹ 3. - P. 32-39.

Pronevych O.S. European standards of policing in multi-ethnic society: the nature and prospects of implementation into national police legislation Affairs / O.S. Pronevych // Answer rights. - 2016. - ¹ 4. - P. 264-270. file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/FP_index.htm_2016_4_43.pdf.

