Professor, Department of Earth Sciences and Geomorphology, Geography Faculty
Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Younger Research Scientist
Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Research Scientist
Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Senior Research Scientist and Leading Research Scientist
Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Leader of the Project “Environments of the Prehistorical and Historical Man in different areas of Ukraine”(¹ 19ÁÔ050-01)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Doctor of Sci. in Geomorphology and Palaeogeography, Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv (Ukraine)
Quaternary palaeogeogrpahy, namely, Quaternary environments, Quaternary stratigraphy, Quaternary palynology, Quaternary pedology, Quaternary landscapes, Palaeoecology, Geoarchaeology
Research Fields:
Previous and Current Research
As Quaternary palaeogeogrpahy is based on Quaternary stratigraphy, the studies on these two subjects are directly connected. The first research was aimed on reconstruction of Quaternary landscapes on the regional scale, namely in the Kyiv area. On the basis of field research of stratigraphy of Quaternary sections, morphological and analytical studies of palaeosols, pollen study of Quaternary deposits and analyses of lithological-facial features, thicknesses and hypsometrical positions of Quaternary stratigraphic units, the maps of relief and soil cover have been first built for each of these unit. Later on, the analyses of palaeosols and palynospectra from deposits of different relief elements enable the reconstruction of zonal and regional plaeolandscapes in the area studied. The further studies of Quaternary stratigraphy and reconstruction of palaeosols, palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate, existing during the Quaternary stages, have been fulfilled for different areas of Ukraine: the Donetsk area, the Middle Dnieper area (Central Ukraine), the plain and mountainous Crimea, the Carpathian foreland, Transcarpathia and the Black Sea Plain. The short-period stages of zonal features of palaeolandscape development have been established, and the maps of zonal palaeolandscapes have been built for the area of Ukraine. A part of results have been based on the studies of archaeological sites from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Medieval times. These geoarchaeological studies formed the base of palaeoecological investigation
The current research includes:
- the further study of archaerological sites in order to reconstruct environments of Prehistorical and Historical Man in the area of Ukraine;
- elaboration of the map of geoarchaeological sites of Ukraine;
- collaboration with researchers of dating methodologies in order to elucidate duration of the development phases of environmental development;
Future Projects and Goals
In the near future we intend to continue the aforementioned lines of research as well as start new projects including:
- correlation of the Ukrainian stratigraphical framework with the central and western European and global frameworks;
- participation in the international projects on the compiling of database of key Quaternary sites of Europe and the new Quaternary map of Europe.
- the study of the Upper Pleistocene climatic fluctuations on the millennia scale.
Selected Publications
N. Gerasimenko, B. Ridush, Yu. Avdeyenko (2019).
Late Pleistocene and Holocene environmetal changes recorded in deposits of the Bukovynka Cave (the East-Carpathian foireland, Ukraine).
Quaternary International 504, 96-107. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 127, no. 3, 995-1017.
N. Gerasimenko, T. Yurchenko, Y. Rohozin (2019).
Vegetation changes in the Hotyn Upland over the last 2000 years (based on pollen data).
Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, 28 (1), 51-58.
D. Constantin, D.Veres, C. Panaiotu, V. Anechitei-Deacu, S. Groza, R. Begy, S. Kelemen, J-P. Buylaert, U. Hambach, S. Marković, N. Gerasimenko, A. Timar-Gabor (2019).
Luminescence age constraints on the Pleistocene-Holocene transition recorded in loess sequences across SE Europe.
Quaternary Geochronology 49, 71-77.
N. Gerasimenko, ². Koval’chuk (2019).
The Late Pleistocene soils as indicators of the impact of environmental changes on development of pedogenic processes (the study case from the Kryva Luka site, Donetsk area).
Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, 28 (2), 262-274.
N. Gerasimenko, L. Kulakovska, V. Usik, O. Votiakova (2019).
Palaeoenvironmental changes during the Middle and Early Upper Paleolithic in the Upper-Tysa Depression, Ukraine (the Sokyrnytsya and Ruban’ sites).
Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, 28 (2), 275-291.
D. Veres, V. Tecsa, N. Gerasimenko, C. Zeeden, U. Hambach, A.Timar-Gabor (2018).
Short-term soil formation events in last glacial east European loess, evidence from multi-method luminescence dating.
Quaternary Science Reviews 200, 34-51.
E. Marinova, S. Harrison, F. Bragg, S. Connor, V. De Laet, S. Leroy, P. Mudie, J. Atanassova, E. Bozilova, H. Caner, C. Cordova, M. Djamali, M. Filipova‐Marinova, N. Gerasimenko, S. Jahns, K. Kouli, U. Kotthoff, E. Kvavadze, M. Lazarova, E. Novenko, E. Ramezani, A. Röpke, L. Shumilovskikh, I. Tanţǎu, S. Tonkov (2018).
Pollen‐derived biomes in the Eastern Mediterranean–Black Sea–Caspian‐Corridor.
Journal of Biogeography 45 (2), 484-499.
P. Haesaerts, F. Damblon, N. Gerasimenko, P. Spagna, S. Pirson (2016). The Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequence of Middle Belgium.
Quaternary International 411, 1-19.
D. Hlavatskyi, D. Kuzina, N. Gerasimenko, V. Bakhmutov (2016).
Petromagnetism and palaeomagnetism of Quaternary loess-soil sediments of Vyazivok section (Dnieper Lowland).
Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal 38 (6), 186-193.
V. Prikhod’ko, I. Ivanov, D. Manakhov, N. Gerasimenko, K. Inubushi, M. Kawahigashi, Kh. Nagano, S. Sugihara (2013).
Soils, vegetation, and climate of the southern Transural region in the Middle Bronze Age (by the example of the Arkaim fortress).
Eurasian Soil Science 46 (9), 925-934.
D.D. Rousseau, P. Antoine, N. Gerasimenko, A. Lima, M. Fuchs, O. Moine, L. Zoeller (2011).
North Àtlantic abrupt climatic events of the last glacial period, recorded in Ukrainian loess deposits.
Climate of the Past 7, 221-234.
N. Gerasimenko (2011).
Climatic and environmental oscillations in southeastern Ukraine from 30 to 10 ka inferred from 30 to 10 pollen and lithoipedology .
The Geological Society of America. Special Paper 473, 117-132.
C.E. Cordova, N.P. Gerasimenko, P.H.Lehman, A.A. Klyukin (2011).
Late Pleistocene and Holocene paleoenvironments of Crimea: pollen, soils, geomorphology and geoarchaeology.
The Geological Society of America. Special Paper 473, 133-164.
B. Buggle, B. Glazer, U. Hambach, N. Gerasimenko, M. Slobodan (2011).
An evaluation of geochemical weathering indices in loess-palaeosol study.
Quaternary International, 240 (1-2), 12-21.
Bokhorst, M., Vandenberge, J., Sumegi, P., Lanzont M., Gerasimenko, N.P., Matviishina, Zh., Markovich S., Frechen, M. (2011).
An evaluation of geochemical weathering indices in loess-palaeosol study. Atmospheric circulation patterns in Central and Eastern Europe during the Weichselian pleniglacial inferred from loess grain-size record.
Quaternary International 234 (1-2), 62-74.
Homepage: http://do.unicyb.kiev.ua/iksan/