Denys Aleksandrov

Denys Aleksandrov

1. Position: Professor of the Department of Social Work


2. Work Experience:

1995 - 2001 - Lecturer at the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs.

2001-2003 - Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs.

2003-2006 - Head of the Department of Applied Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs.

2007-2008 - Head of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs.

2008-2012 - Head of the Department of Practical Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs.

2012-2013 - Head of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs.

2013-2016 - Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs.

2016-2019 - Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

2019- now - Professor of the Department of Social Work at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.


3. Education and training:

1990-1995 - Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

1997-2000 - postgraduate study at the National Academy of Internal Affairs.

2013-2014 - Doctoral degree at the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Development of psychological technologies of social interaction in social work

Research Fields:
Social Science & Humanities

Previous and Current Research

Development of psychological technologies of social interaction in social work. In addition, scientific achievements in the following fields of science:

- Legal psychology;

- Military psychology;

- Theory of psychological attitudes and settings;

- Psychodiagnostics;

- Psychology of communication;

- Psychological technologies of social interaction;

- Conflictology;

- Psychological principles of social work.

Future Projects and Goals

The social mechanisms' institutionalization of the population's social support in the united territorial communities.

The goal of the project: The project's purpose is to develop and implement a sustainable mechanism of social support for the population of the united territorial communities by creating institutional forms of socially oriented programs and projects that ensure the safety of functionality and well-being of the community

Development of psychological technologies of social interaction in social work.

The goals of the project:

- research in the field of social and psychological phenomena of group relationships;

- psychodiagnostic technologies in social work;

- support of professional formation of personality.

Expected results:

Description and classification of specialized psychological technologies of social interaction in social work.

Development of a model of social interaction of social workers with different categories of clients and client groups.

Improving the methodology of social interaction in social work.

Creating methodological recommendations for social workers on the application of special psychological technologies of social interaction when working with different categories of clients and client groups.

Methodological and Technical Expertise

Member of the Methodological Expert Qualification Commission of the Sector of Art and Psychological Research of the Laboratory of Information Technology Research of the State Scientific-Research Expert and Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the specialty 14.1 - "Psychological researches".

Selected Publications

More than 190 scientific articles on problems of legal psychology, military psychology, social psychology, psychology of social work, psychodiagnostics, conflictology.


  1. Aleksandrov D. O. Theoretical foundations of social interaction: textbook. Kyiv: K. : VPC "Kyi'vs'kyj universytet". – 2019 – Ð. 260.


  1. Aleksandrov D. O. The formation of the personality of the Employee of the Internal Affairs. Kyiv: TOV “VADEKS”. – 2014 – Ð. 307.
  2. Aleksandrov D. O. The art of managing people. Kyiv: Finpres. – 1999 – Ð. 124.

Articles (Web of Science):

  1. Aleksandrov D., Bondarenko V., Okhrimenko I., Minenok A. Professionally important psychophysiological qualities of patrol police officers / D.Aleksandrov, V.Bondarenko, I.Okhrimenko, A.Minenok // International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology. 2020. Vol. 9. No.4. Ð. 62-71 []
  2. Aleksandrov D., Okhrimenko I., Medvediev V., Moiseieva O. Psychoprophylactic Correction of the Individual Psychological Factors of Narcotism / D. Aleksandrov, I. Okhrimenko, V. Medvediev, O. Moiseieva // BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2020. Vol. 11, Issue 2. Ð. 1-17 [DOI:]
     3.      Aleksandrov D., Yevdokimova Î., Îkhrimenko I., Filonenko V. The Problem of               Unconscious Aggressiveness of Criminals in the Conditions of Postmodern Society           Development / D.Aleksandrov, Î.Yevdokimova, I.Îkhrimenko, V.Filonenko //                     Postmodern Openings. 2020. ¹ 11 (2 Supl 1). Ð. 182-199                                                   [DOI:]
  1. Aleksandrov D., Okhrimenko I. Psychological Risk Factors of the Neurotization of Adolescents under the Conditions of Quarantine Measures of the COVID-19 Epidemic / D.Aleksandrov, I.Okhrimenko // BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2020. ¹ 11 (2 Sup1). Ð. 29-36 [DOI:]

     5.      Aleksandrov D., Okhrimenko I., Serbyn R. Psychological Factors Of Post-Stress           Psychotraumatic Feelings Susceptibility Of Combatants' Children // Science And               Education. – 2017-09-4. – pp. 16-25.

     6.      Aleksandrov D., Okhrimenko I., Drozd O. Psychological Adaptation Of Ukrainian           National Police Officers For Law Enforcement Activities // Science And Education. –           2017-11-4. – pp. c.35-45.

