Antonina Lovochkina

Antonina Lovochkina


Professor of the Department of Social Work





G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAPS of Ukraine. 2, Pankivska street, 01033, Kyiv (Ukraine)

2007 – 2016

Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

2016 – Present

Professor of the Department of Social Work
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)



specialty psychology psychologist, teacher of psychological disciplines
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Social work with people with disabilities; Ecological psychology; Social Technologies of Community Development; Workshop on the organization of volunteer work"; bachelor; Theoretical basis of volunteer’s work;

Research Fields:
Enviroment & Climate Action
Social Science & Humanities

Previous and Current Research

Participated in the implementation of the project of the United Nations Development Program and the Global Environment Facility "Empowering people with disabilities through the use of modern tools of social inclusion and women's leadership."

A member of the National Steering Committee of the GEF Small Grants Program.

Selected Publications

More than 90 scientific and educational works in his scientific achievements. Among them: 4 monographs (2 individual and 4 collective),  

2 textbooks.

1. Vlasova O., Podshivalkina V., Rodina N., Milyutina K.,

Lyovochkina A. Features of socio-psychological adaptation

adolescents with visual impairment // Ophthalmol. . - 2019. - ¹5. - P. 3-7. // Scopus

2. Trofimov, A., Drobot, O., KîkàrievaA., Maksymova, N., Lovochkina, A., & Kozytska, I. (2019). THE INFLUENCE OF MANAGEMENT STYLE AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON THE FORMATION OF EMPLOYEES’ COMMITMENT AND LOYALTY. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews7(5), 393-404.

3. Lovochkina A.M.

Psychology of formation of ecological literacy as a component of ecological culture of student youth

Chernivtsi University Scientific Bulletin: Collection of Scientific Papers. No. 743 - Chernivtsi, 2015. pp. 133 - 137.

4. Lovochkina A.M. Psychology of formation of ecological culture of university students in urban environment / AM Lyovochkin // Actual problems of psychology. Sat. of sciences. of the Institute of Psychology. GS Kostyuk of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. SD Maksimenko - Zhytomyr: ZhDU them. I. Franko, 2015. Vol.7. Environmental psychology. - No. 40. P. 69-78

5. Lovochkina A.M. A modern perspective on the problem of disability

Interdisciplinary Problems of Social Work: Psychological, Sociological, Legal Aspects: Proceedings of the Third International Scientific and Practical Conference (February 20 - 21, 2015, Kyiv) / ed. Yu.M. Shvalba. - Zhytomyr: issue of the I. Franko State University, 2015. P. 53 - 57

6. Lovochkina A.M. Models of disability as a way of organizing society in relation to people with disabilities Bulletin of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv - Kyiv: Kiev University Publishing and Printing Center, 2016. Psychology. No. 2 (5). Pp. 36 - 39

7. Lovochkina A.M. Psychological and social problems of forming a culture of life of people with disabilities

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv - Kyiv: Kyiv University Publishing and Printing Center, 2018. Psychology. No. 1 (8). Pp. 38 - 41

8. Lovochkina A.M., Lyuta LP Psychology of formation of social activity of future social workers / À.Ì. Lyovochkin, L.P. February // Science and Education. - 2018. - ¹ 5 - 6. p. 31 - 38.

9. Lovochkina A.M. Shwalb, Y. M. (Ed.) and others (2014). Psychology of social work. Kyiv: Osnova.