Dr.Sc. Oleksii Bychkov,
Program Systeems and Technology Department,
Faculty of Information Technology,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Kyiv-01601, Ukraine.
Education and scientific career:
01.05.01 - Mathematical Cybernetics,
"Construction of optimal qualitative characteristics of stochastic neutral equations of neutral type".
05.13.06 - Information Technology,
«Information technologies for analysis and synthesis of continuous-discrete information systems and processes based on fuzzy hybrid automata»
Teaching and other experience:
· 2014 - Present: Head of Department of Software Systems and Technologies, Faculty of Information Technologies, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
· 2013 - 2016: Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
· 2001-2013: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Cybernetics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
· 2001 - 2013 Secretary of the NSC "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
· 2007-2008 Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Ukrainian Financial and Economic University.
· 2006 -2013 - Director of the Information Technology Research Center, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
· 1986 - 2001 Laboratory Assistant, Junior Researcher, Research Fellow, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Scientific interests:
· data science
· cyber-physical systems
· mathematical modeling
· fuzzy modeling
· software development
· development and implementation of information systems
Research Fields:
Computer Science
Previous and Current Research
It’s introduced into practices the conception of Lyapunov optimal functions for functional differential equations stability investigation. For the first time the conditions of existence of additional defined solution of Silvestr’s matrix equation has been found and algorithm of its searching was constructed.
For the first time was developed the extended theory of possibilities using two measures - measure of possibility and measure of necessity. I have proved fundamental theorems on continuation of these measures from algebra to boolean with arbitrary additives. Conditions of the co-ordinated continuation of measures of possibility and necessity are received.
It’s introduced into practices the conception of perceptive element, perceptive set. Theorems of convergence of sequences perceptive elements are proved.
In the framework of the theory of possibilities the new type of integral were introduced and new differential equation was constructed.
Fundamental theorems of existence have been proved and also uniqueness of the solution of this equation, continuation of the solution and continuous dependence on parameters and entry conditions has been proved. The numerical algorithm of solution is offered.
For modelling and research of complex dynamics I offered to use hybrid automata and fuzzy structure systems. I proposed new approach to investigation of stability of stationary position of hybrid automata. Theorems on stability, asymptotic stability, exponential stability, stability of variables, impulse stability have been proved. Similar theorems on hybrid automata with delay have proved.
Future Projects and Goals
1. Mathematical modelling of economic problems
2. Erasmus+ Innovations for Big Data in a Real World – iBIGworld
3. fundamental: hybrid automata, theory of possibilities, functional-differentiation equations.
Methodological and Technical Expertise
In particular, our expertise includes:
1. Using of Lyapunov's function method for investigation of stability of differential equation systems and systems with argument delay
2. The construction of axiomatic possibility theory
3. stability studies of hybrid automaton solutions
Selected Publications
A list of recent publications related to the project
Most publications are related to Cyber-Physical Systems and Hybrid Automata, Differential Equations and Cybernetics in general.
The author of more than 180 printed scientific papers, including 10 textbooks from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 8 Monographs and more then120 articles in professional publications of Ukraine, more then 30 articles of which are in collections included in SCOPUS.
1. Cognitive methods of Cybernetics. / O.S.Bychkov // VPC «Kiev University Press», 2014. – 128p.
2. Mathematical models, methods and algorithms in theoretical and apply informatics / O.S.Bychkov, Yu.A.Belov, O.I.Chulichkov// «FPFN». – 2015. – 247p.
3. Modelling and studying fuzzy dynamical systems / O.S.Bychkov, Yu.A.Belov, A.L. Zavorotnyy, M.G.Merkuriev // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Springer New York, Volume 157, Number 3, 2009 , ð. 466-479
4. Reduction measurements for calculation in Fuzzy experiment scheme and soft modelling of dynamic processes in a Non-crisp conditions Simulation and Optimization Methods in Risk and Reliability Theory / O.S.Bychkov // Series: Advances in Operations Research, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60456-658-1, pp.113-136
5. Modeling and prediction of surgical intervention in the treatment of patients with a difference in the lengths of the limbs / O.S.Bychkov, O.I.Koval // Theses of the XV International Conference Dynamical System Modelling and Stability Investigation (DSMSI-2011), May 25-27, Kyiv, Ukraine, ñ. 187.
6. Numerical method for studying the stability of a linear hybrid automaton / O.S.Bychkov, Pavlyuchenko OG, Merkuriev M.G. // Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, ¹2(107), 2012, pp. 11-19
7. Stability of pulsed fuzzy hybrid automata / O.S.Bychkov, Ivanov E.V., Kasyanyuk V.Ñ. // Bulletin of the Taras Shevchenko National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Series: Physics and Mathematics, ¹ 3, 2012ð., pp.24-36
8. Theoretical-Possitibility methdos to Modeling Fuzzy Structure Systems / O.S.Bychkov // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2012. - ¹ 4. - pp. 115 - 124.
9. About convergence of sequences of fuzzy perceptrary elements given on different possibilities spaces / Bychkov A., Ivanov E., Suprun O. // International Journal "Information Models and Analyses" Volume 4, Number 1, 2015.- pp. 203-217
10. Estimation of the distribution of solutions of fuzzy differential equations / Bychkov A., Ivanov E., Suprun O. // International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Volume 9, Number 4, 2015.- pp. 308-324
11. Modified Lyapunov’s conditions for hybrid automata stability / A. Bychkov, E. Ivanov, O. Suprun // International Journal "Information Content and Processing", Volume 2, Number 2, 2015.- pp. 115-127
12. An uncertain cauchy problem of a new class of fuzzy differential equations / A. Bychkov, E. Ivanov, O. Suprun // International Journal "Information Models and Analyses" Volume 4, Number 2, 2015.- pp. 103-116
13. One approach for determining the final evaluation criteria for institutional accreditation of a higher school through intelligent data processing / O.S.Bychkov,Yu.A.Belov, A.L. Zavorotnyy, M.G.Merkuriev // Proceedings of the Union of Scientists, - Ruse Book 5 Mathematics, Informatics and Physics, Volume 13, 2016, pp. 106-115
14. Modeling and data processing of information systems / Y.Hadzhiyska, I.Ivanov, G.Dimitrov, A.Bychkov // 2016 Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR), Lodz, Poland, 2016, pp. 1-5
15. Performance analysis of the method for social search of information in university information systems / G.Panayotova, G.P.Dimitrov, P.Petrov, O.S.Bychkov // 2016 Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR), Lodz, Poland, 2016, pp. 1-5
16. Performance analysis of the method for social search of information in university information systems / G.P.Dimitrov, G.Panayotova, I.Garvanov, O.S.Bychkov, P.Petrov, A.Angelov // 2016 Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR), Lodz, 2016, pp. 1-5. URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7585228&isnumber=7585201
17. Challenges in teaching "digital" generation in Bulgaria / I.Kostadinova, O.S.Bychkov, A.Dimitrov, G.Dimitrov // Proceedings of The 5-th Advanced Research in Scientific Areas Virtual Conference, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, November 7-11, 2016, p.144-147
18. Combined neural network model for real estate market range value estimation / V.Yakubovskyi, O.Bychkov, G.Dimitrov, G.Panayotova // Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR2017), Lodz, Poland, 2017
19. Methods of Information Technologies for the Study of Continuous Discrete Dynamics of a Aircraft / O.S.Bychkov, V.V.Ardelian // Scientific Journal of the "Control, Navigation and Communication Systems". - Poltava: PNTU 2017.- c.171 – 176
20. Methods of constructing optimal estimates for the study of continuous discrete processes as solutions of hybrid automata / Bychkov O.S. // Armament and military equipment systems. - ¹ 3(51). - 2017, - pp. 67-75
21. Application of measures of opportunity and necessity for constructing a generalized model of description of fuzzy processes and events / Bychkov O.S. // Armament systems and military equipment. - ¹ 4(52). - 2017. - pp.13-21
Homepage: https://pst.knu.ua/teachers
Postal address: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Information Technology, Ukraine, Kyiv, Bohdana Gavrilishina,24
Email: oleksiibychkov@knu.ua