Maryna Paliienko

Maryna Paliienko

Head of Archival Science and 
Special Branches of History Department 

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv 
Faculty of History

Archival Science and Special Branches of History Department 
2017 – present
• Departmental head;
2011 – 2017 
• Professor;
2000 – 2010 
• Docent;
1994 – 1999 
• Assistant.

Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power 
Publishing Department

1990 – 1991
• Junior scientific staff. 


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv 
Faculty of History

2003 – 2006
• Doctoral studies;
1991 – 1994
• Postgraduate studies;
1985 – 1990 
• BA & MA studies;
  • Qualifications: historian, teacher of history and social sciences;
  • Specialization: archival science.

Ukrainian Free University [Munich, Germany]
Faculty of Philosophy

July – August 1995; July – August 1996 
• Postgraduate studies. 
• Doctor of Historical Sciences:
  • “Archival Centers of the Ukrainian Emigration in the 1920s – 1940s: Creation, Activity, Fate of Documentary Collections”

• Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD):
  • “Journal “Kievskaia Starina” in Social and Scientific Life of Ukraine (at the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries)

Development of Archival Science, Source Studies, Historiography and Special Historical Disciplines in Ukraine and Worldwide

Research Fields:
Social Sciences, general
Social Science & Humanities

Previous and Current Research

The research of our group is aimed at studying the development of theoretical and methodological bases of Archival Science, Source Studies, Historiography and Special Historical Disciplines.

The scope of the Group Leader research interests especially deals with Comparative Archivistics, Archival Management in the Digital Age, Access to Archival Information, Foreign Archival Ucrainica and Professional Training of Archivists.

Expected scientific results

Exploration of the dominant theoretical and intellectual trends of Archival Science, Source Studies and Ukrainian Historiography development;

Analysis of the latest trends in the development of archival management, its legal, innovation-informational and organizational-technological support;

Study the specifics of archival management in terms of e-government, the processes of digitization of archives at the current stage;

Analysis of the information and historical value of documents, the methods of saving and making use of archive materials;

The current scientific focus is on the role of archives in construction of collective memory;

Investigation of the terms of access to documents as a part of the world and national cultural heritage;

Research of the socio-cultural turn in the methodology of Ukrainian historiography.

Some aspects of research

It is planned to conduct and implement certain aspects of the research in cooperation with the State Archival Service of Ukraine and the International Institute for Archival Science (Triest-Maribor)

Expected practical results

  • Provide the theoretical and methodological framework for professional archivists as well as students and teachers of academic disciplines.

  • Development of recommendations and conducting courses based on the results obtained.

Future Projects and Goals

Ø Exploration of the dominant theoretical and intellectual trends of Archival Science, Source Studies and Ukrainian Historiography development;

Ø Analysis of the latest trends in the development of archival management, its legal, innovation-informational and organizational-technological support;

Ø Study the specifics of archival management in terms of e-government, the processes of digitization of archives at the current stage;

Ø Analysis of the information and historical value of documents, the methods of saving and making use of archive materials;

Ø The current scientific focus is on the role of archives in construction of collective memory;

Ø Investigation of the terms of access to documents as a part of the world and national cultural heritage;

Ø Research of the socio-cultural turn in the methodology of Ukrainian historiography.

Ø Some aspects of research

Ø It is planned to conduct and implement certain aspects of the research in cooperation with the State Archival Service of Ukraine and the International Institute for Archival Science (Triest-Maribor)

Selected Publications

Палієнко М.  «Киевская старина» у громадському та науковому житті України (кінець ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.). Монографія. К.: Темпора, 2005. 384 с.

Палієнко Марина. Архівні центри української еміграції (створення, функціонування, доля документальних колекцій. Монографія. К.: Темпора, 2008. 688 с.

Палієнко Марина. Теофіл Горникевич та українські архівні колекції у Відні. Монографія. К.: Темпора, 2012. 688 с.

Палієнко М. Г. Образ «архіву» у сучасному науковому дискурсі: множинність інтерпретацій // Архіви України. 2016. № 5–6. С.136–152.

Палієнко М. Г. Архівіст інформаційного суспільства: проблеми модернізації системи професійної освіти // Вісник Київського національного університету. Історія. 2016. Вип. 3 (130). С.57–62.

Палієнко М. Г. Міжнародне архівне співробітництво: від зародження ідей до реалізації масштабних проектів у добу інформаційного суспільства (До 70-річчя Міжнародної ради архівів) // Архіви України. 2018. № 4. С. 49–63.

Paliienko Maryna. Personal Data Protection and Access to Archives in Ukraine from the National and International Perspective // Atlanti. Triest; Maribor: International Institute for Archival Science, 2018. Vol. 28. № 2. P.60–70.

Paliienko Maryna. Socio-cultural Mission of the Archives and New Strategies for Archival Management // Atlanti. Triest; Maribor: International Institute for Archival Science2019. Vol. 29. № 2. P.110–124.

Палієнко М., Срібняк І. Книжковий рух у таборах полонених вояків-українців у Німеччині під час Першої світової війни // Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України. 2020. Вип. 25. С. 163–177. (Web of Science)




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