Yuriy Rapoport

Yuriy Rapoport

Ph.D. and Dr. Phys.-Math. Sci.

Leading research fellow, Space Physics Lab., Physical Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Professional experience, Methodological and Professional and Technical Expertise and teaching
2019 – to the present

Leading research fellow, Space Physics Laboratory, Physical Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

1991-2003; 2006-2018

Senior Research Fellow, Space Physics Laboratory, Physical Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine


Junior Researcher, Researcher, Senior Researcher, Research Institute "Saturn", Kyiv, USSR



MSc Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine


PhD Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine


Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sci., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Cources of lectures presented in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, The University of Montana, Dillon, Montana, USA and the Aalto University, Finland: Theory of Wave Processes in Plasma, Wave Processes in Plasma, Nonlinear Wave Processes in Plasma, Probability and Linear Math, General Physics, Nonlinear wave processes in metamaterials, Selected topics on Oscillations and Waves with application to Radio Science and Engineering

Participation and technical committees and presentation and participation in invited talks in the set of international conferences, the set of invited chapters in the momnographs and reviewing the papers for the set of international journals: 1993- to the present

Scientific Collaboration:

Space Research Inst. under NAS of Ukraine and State Space Agency of Ukraine, Kyiv (Prof. Oleg K. Cheremnykh ); Nat. Center for Control and Testing of Space Facilities of the State Space Agency of Ukraine, (Dr. Alex I. Liashchuk);Hayakawa Institute of Seismo Electromagnetics, Co. Ltd., Japan, (Prof. Masashi Hayakawa); Aalto University, Finland, (Prof. Konstantin Simovski); CIICAp, Autonomous University of State Morelos (UAEM), Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico, (Dr., Prof. Vladimir Grimalsky); The University of Sheffield, UK, (Dr. Viktor Fedun); University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, (Prof. Andrzej Krankowski); Inst. Radio-Physics and Electronics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine (Prof. Alexander I. Nosich); Techn. Univ. , Denmark, NanoPhoton – Center for Nanophotonics, Lyngby, Denmark, (Prof. Andrei Laurynenka); Space Res Inst. of Electrodynamics, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine (Dr. of Sci. Igor S. Petukhov )

Participation and leadership in international and Ukrainian scientific projects and grants, selected (1993-2020):


Head of the project: Wave processes and effects in active resonant layered plasma media and metamaterials. 0120U102178, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, National University of Kyiv, Ukraine


Project Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) 6060 Theoretical and experimental investigations of the resonant phenomena in the near-space plasma (with partners from UK, Canada and Belgium)

2014 –2015

Head of the project: Investigation of the atmospheric infrasound as an indicator of unstable processes of Space and Earth origin; NAS of Ukraine, Institute for space Research of the NAS of Ukraine (NASU)


Visiting professor at the Aalto University, Finland


EPSRC project, The University of Salford, UK: Advanced Design and Control of Active and Passive Metamaterials: from Microwaves to Optics (the first EPSRC project on metamaterials in UK)


Project at The University of Salford, UK, on modelling propagation of electromagnetic waves in microwave waveguides trough the layers of highly nonlinear and lossy composites

1999; 2002; 2004

visiting researcher, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan


visiting Prof., The University of Montana, Dillon, Montana, USA, Grant of National Science Foundation of the USA on the studying of soliton's amplification and other nonlinear interactions in thin ferrite films


INTERBALL- international (with the participation of more than 20 countries) satellite solar-terrestrial program aimed to study various plasma processes in the Earth magnetosphere


WARNING- international (with the participation of 9 countries) satellite project on monitoring of the Ionosphere and studying phenomena of seismo-ionospheric coupling


Individual Grant of International Science Foundation for the participation in the conference "23 European Meeting on Atmosphere Studying by Optical Methods", London, UK


Grant of American Physical Society on the studying processes of excitation of acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere by impurities releasing and absorbing heat

Processes in nonlinear active layered artificial and natural media including controllable metamaterials and plasma-like media and system “Lithosphere (Earth)-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere (LEAIM)” and applications

Research Fields:
Materials Science
Enviroment & Climate Action
Key Enabling Technologies

Previous and Current Research

Previous scientific research/projects and pioneer results

1) Control over temporal solitons in magnetooptic metamaterial waveguide. Bullets (strongly localized 2D spatio-temporal solitons) in ferrite films in microwave range



(A) – Proposed principle of magnetooptic control of temporal solitons in metamaterial waveguide (B) - Combined effect of self-steepening (S) and Raman scattering ( tR). (a) S = 0.03, tR = 0.03; (b) S = _0.15, tR = 0.03 [2]; ( C ) Magnetic bullets/strongly localized spatio-temporal 2D solitons in ferrite films [1]

2) Theory of absolute and convective instabilities in active metamaterials. Quantum resonators of Quantum Waves of Electron State on graphene metamarerials in TH range



 B                                        C         


A: Equivalent (symmetric) T-circuit representing the unit cell of a 1D equivalent metamaterial transmission-line in the regime of convective instability [3]; dependences of real (B) and imaginary (C) parts of normalized wave number on normalized frequency for active negative=phase meddtamaterial; (D) - Quantum Waves of Electron State (QWES) resonances in graphene metamaterial/structure of the graphene layer–substrate placed in external electric and magnetic fields [4]

3) New physical phenomena: jump of focusing point and hot spot formation in cylindrical nonlinear field IR concentrator in IR range. Formation of hot spots in active nonlinear hyperbolic metamaterials with zero net gain/losses

                        A                                                  B                                                  C           


(A) - Cross-section of a cylindrical isotropic nonlinear (electromagnetic) field concentrator (INFC) surrounded by an isotropic linear environment; (B), (C) - tendency to ‘hotspot’ formation, while ‘input amplitude’ of incident beam(s) tends to a ‘threshold value’; (B) -incident amplitude is very close to but still below a threshold value of input amplitude; ( C ) - tendency to the formation of ‘hotspot’ located on the boundary between linear and nonlinear regions of the INFC, after jumping the focusing point, when incident normalized amplitude of the controlling beam exceeds the ‘threshold’ value [5]; (D) - formation of hot spots in active nonlinear planar hyperbolic metamaterials with zero net gain/losses (intensity of magnetic field is shown) [7]

4) Method of Beams and complex impedance boundary conditions for VLF (~10 kHz) wave propagation in the waveguide Earth-Ionosphere (WGEI)

                             A                                                             B                                             C

(A) - The geometry of the anisotropic/gyrotropic waveguide Earth-Ionosphere; (B) - Averaged through night residual VLF/LF signals in the ground observation for the wave paths: JJY-Moshiri, JJI-Kamchatka (this Figure is taken from Rozhnoi et al. Phys. Chem. Earth, 85–86, 141–149, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pce.2015.02.005, 2015); [6] ( C ) - altitude distributions of the normalized transverse (y) electric VLF beam field 5 components in the central plane of the transverse beam distribution (y=0) at the distance z=1000 km from the input of the system; modeling illustrated by Fig. C is used for the qualitative explanation of the experimental results on the change in amplitude of VLF wave in the WGEI before strong earthquake (Fig. B)[6]

5) Developing method for nonlinear evolution equations for wave processes in layered structures (NEELS)

                           A                                               B                                           


Method NEELS (Nonlinear evolution equations for wave processes in layered structures) including the developed method CGO (complex geometrical optics) are applicable for both artificial and natural media (A - cylindrical isotropic nonlinear (electromagnetic) field concentrator (INFC) [8], B – nonlinear dielectric –plasma structure;

( C ) natural structure Lithosphere (Earth)-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere(LEAIM) [8].


6) Response to the excitation by the acoustic-gravity wave (AGW) packet of the seismogenic origin in the near-equatorial plasma in the presence of Rayleigh - Tailor instability (RTI)

                            A                                           B                                                      C

(A) - Geometry of the problem of RTI in the near-equatorial ionospheric F region in the presence of AGW packet. In accordance with chosen positive directions of the axes (east for the axis y and south for the axis x), Ho –geomagnetic field, Ex,y and Ux,y – components of external electric field and wind velocity, respectively; (B) (Figure prepared and using the data by Dr. A.K. Fedorenko) and (C) – respectively, data of observations and the results of numerical modeling of the spatial distribution of the seismogenic perturbations of neutral concentration N0’ (Figure C – the value to which N0’ is proportional) in the near equatorial F region of the ionosphere;   the development of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability, initiated by AGW packet of seismogenic orign is accounted for [Rapoport Yu.G. Stable and unstable plasma perturbations in the ionospheric F region, caused by spatial packet of atmospheric gravity waves / Yu.G. Rapoport, M. Hayakawa, O.E. Gotynyan, V.N. Ivchenko, A.K. Fedorenko, Yu.A. Selivanov// Phys. Chem. Earth. – 2009. –V.34. – P. 508-515].

7) Multi-stage model of the penetration into the ionospheric altitudes of the AGW packet excited in strongly nonlinear regime by the ground-based acoustic generator, and observed ionospheric effects

 A                                                     B


(A) -The scheme of the experiment on the Doppler frequency shift of the scattered ionospheric signal under the action of the acoustic perturbation (this Figure is prepared by Dr. O. L. Ivantyshyn); (B) - experimental results on the measurements of the signal scattered from ionospheric inhomogeneities: time dependences of the envelope of the scattered signal; Vmax is the maximum velocity of the air in ULF acoustic waves (curve 1) and FD is the Doppler shift due to ULF acoustic wave (curve 2); ( C ) - spatial distribution of the air velocity v in ULF atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) (cm s-1 units); an initial transverse sound wave amplitude of 320 m s-1; altitude Z=130 km [9]

Current research interests/new possible scientific projects with involvement of students

I. VLF waves in the system Lithosphere (Earth)-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere (LEAIM); II. Ionosphere as a sensitive indicator of the influences from “below” (the strongest Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Cyclones etc.), “above” (the strongest magnetic storms); III. Theory of active experiment in the ionosphere;

IV. Theory and modeling effects of the controllable nonlinear scattering on the strongly resonant layered metamaterial active structures; V. Investigation of control over quantum waves of electron states (QWES) in 2D electron gas metamaterials; VI. Nonlinear singular and topological optics using metamaterials and metasurfaces

Selected Publications

[1] M. Bauer, O. Buttner, S.O. Demokritov, B. Hillebrands, V.V. Grimalsky, Yu.G. Rapoport, A.N. Slavin. Observation of spatiotemporal self-focusing of spin waves in magnetic films // Phys. Rev. Lett. – 1998. – V. 81, No 17. – P. 3769-3772.

[2] A.D. Boardman, O. Hess, R.C. Mitchell-Thomas, Y.G. Rapoport, L. Velasco. Temporal solitons in magnetooptic and metamaterial waveguides. J. Fundament. and Applic. – 2010. – V. 8, No 4. – P. 228-243.

[3] A.D. Boardman, V.V. Grimalsky, Yu. Kivshar, S. V. Koshevaya, M. Lapine, M. Litchinitser, V.N. Malnev, M. Noginov, Yu. G. Rapoport, V. M. Shalaev. Active and tunable metamaterials. - Laser Photonics Rev. – 2011. – V. 5, No. 2. – P. 287-307.

[4] A.D. Boardman, Yu. G. Rapoport , D.E. Aznakayeva , E.G. Aznakayev and V. Grimalsky. Graphene Metamaterial Electron Optics: Excitation Processes and Electro-Optical Modulation. Mei Zhang (ed.) Handbook of Graphene: 2019 Scrivener Publishing LLC. - V. 3. - P. 263–296.

[5] Yu G Rapoport, A D Boardman, V V Grimalsky, V M Ivchenko and N Kalinich. Strong nonlinear focusing of light in nonlinearly controlled electromagnetic active metamaterial field concentrators.- J. Opt. 16 (2014) 055202 (10pp ).

[6] Rapoport Yu., Grimalsky V., Fedun V., Agapitov O., Bonnell J., Grytsai A., Milinevsky G., Liashchuk A., Rozhnoi A., Solovieva M. and Gulin A. // Model of propagation of VLF beams in the waveguide Earth-Ionosphere. Principles of tensor impedance method in multilayered gyrotropic waveguides // Annales Geophysicae. – 2020. – Vol. 38, N 1. – P. 207–230.

[7] A D Boardman, A Alberucci, G Assanto, V V Grimalsky, B Kibler, J McNiff, I S Nefedov, Yu G Rapoport and C A Valagiannopoulos, Waves in hyperbolic and double negative metamaterials including rogues and solitons, Nanotechnology 28 (2017) p.444001.

[8] Boardman A.D., Alberucci A., Assanto Gaetano, Rapoport Yu. G., Grimalsky V.V., Ivchenko V.M., Tkachenko E.N. From “World Scientific Handbook of Metamaterials and Plasmonics”. – Vol. 16, Chapter 10: “Spatial Solitonic and Nonlinear Plasmonic Aspects of Metamaterials”, Springer. – Editors: E. Shamonina, S.A. Maier. – 2017. – 564 p. – Vol. 1. – P. 419–469.

[9] Yu.G. Rapoport, O.K. Cheremnykh, V.V. Koshovy, M.O. Melnik, O L. Ivantyshyn, R.T. Nogach, Yu.A. Selivanov, V V. Grimalsky, V.P. Mezentsev, L.M. Karataeva, V. M. Ivchenko, G.P. Milinevsky, V.N. Fedun, and E.N. Tkachenko, Ground-based acoustic parametric generator impact on the atmosphere and ionosphere in an active experiment, Ann. Geophys. – 2017. – V. 35. – P. 53–70.

[10] Yu. Rapoport, Yu. Selivanov, V. Ivchenko, V. Grimalsky, E. Tkachenko, A. Rozhnoi, and V. Fedun, Excitation of planetary electromagnetic waves in the inhomogeneous ionosphere, Annales Geophysicae. -2014. –V. 32. – P. 449–463.

(Scopus) author Id=7005316101

