Yaroslav MELNYK

Yaroslav MELNYK

Senior researcher (Head of the Scientific Topic of the Research Work No.20ĮŌ042-01) of the Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

judge's assistant, head of the court staff. Volochysk District Court of Khmelnytsky Region; Volochysk, Khmelnytsky Region (Ukraine)


lecturer, head of the department of legal disciplines, deputy director for Research of the Private Higher Educational Institution «Financial and Legal College», Kyiv (Ukraine)

lecturer at the Institute of Postgraduate Education of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)


Leading Lawyer of the Centre for Problems of Implementation of European Social Law of the Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Professor of the Department of State Law and Branch Disciplines of the Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Senior researcher (Head of the Scientific Topic of the Research Work No.20ĮŌ042-01) of the Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)


Law Specialist
Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv (Ukraine)  

Master degree

Institute of Professional Judges Training National University «Odesa Law Academy», Odesa (Ukraine)

Ph.D. Law
Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship of the Burchak National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)


Doctor of Juridical Science
Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine) 

Research Fields:
Social Science & Humanities

Previous and Current Research

Main field of research:

  • issues of civil law
  • issues of social law
  • issues social security
  • issues of civil procedural security
  • issues anthropology of social law
  • issues restriction of social rights
  • issues environmental safety

Current research interest:  

  • right to Security

  • responsibilities of participants in civil proceedings

  • social security

  • anthropology of social law

  • restriction of social rights

Selected Publications

1.Human security in the context of globalization: modern legal paradigm [monograph]/Under the general editorship Irina Sopilko. Slovak Republic, Podhajska: Vychodoeuropska agentura pre rozvoj, n.o. Eastern Development agency n.o. 2017. Š.200–210.

2.Administrative law and administrative-procedural law: origins, achievements and prospects of development: Collective monograph. Riga: Izdevnieciba «Baltija Publishing», 2018. Š.16–32.

3.Melnyk Ya.Ya. Security of civil process: theoretical and legal concept: monograph. Fourth Wave Publishing House. Kyiv. 2018. 648p.

4.Social and ecological security through the prism of urbanism: collective monograph / Edited by Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor, M. I. Inshyn and Doctor of Law, Ya. Ya. Melnyk. Institute of Law of KNU n.a. T. Shevchenko, Publisher: European institute of further education, Podhajska, 2020. 497 p.

5.Melnyk Yaroslav. Anthropology of social law: monograph. European institute of further education, Podhajska, 2020. 209p.

6.Melnyk Ya.Ya., Inshin M.I. The doctrine of social security: a monograph. Education of Ukraine Publishing House. Kyiv, 2020. 227p.

7.Melnik Ya.Ya. Restrictions on social rights. Publisher: European institute of further education, Podhajska, 2021. 200š.

8.Model of socio-environmental security doctrine: theory, philosophy, comparativistics: monograph / M.I. Inshyn, Ya.Ya. Melnyk. Vol. 1. Kyiv: “Publishing house Ludmila”, 2021. 200 p.

9.Model of socio-environmental security doctrine: environmental and legal concept: monograph / H. I. Baliuk, Yu. L. Vlasenko, M. I. Inshyn, T. H. Kovalchuk, and others. Editorial board: Ģ. ². Inshyn (chairman) and Ya. Ya. Melnyk (deputy chairman). Vol. 2. Kyiv: “Publishing house Ludmila”, 2021. 210 p.

10.Model of socio-environmental security doctrine: socio-legal perspective: monograph / M.I. Inshyn, D.I. Sirokha, S.M. Chernous, et al. Editorial Board: M.I. Inshyn (Chairman) and Ya.Ya. Melnyk (Deputy Chairman). Vol. 3. Kyiv: “Publishing house Ludmila”, 2021. 206 p.


Homepage: https://www.facebook.com/jaroslav.melnik.986
