Maksym Gorobeiko

Maksym Gorobeiko

Department of Surgery, Institute of Biology and Medicine
Taras Shevchenko National  University of Kyiv,
Kyiv-01601, Ukraine.


Education and scientific career:


Habilitation in Endocrinology (doctor of science in endocrinology).


3Rd TtFT-EU, Bled, Slovenia




specialization in internal medicine, surgery at Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine


Faculty of Medicine, Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical Institute, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Novel approaches for diagnosis and management of endocrine tumors and neck injuries

Research Fields:

Previous and Current Research

Research Group members: Maksym Gorobeiko, Andrii Dinets, Yuryy Prylutskyy, Victoria Hoperia

Our Research group is focused on studies of diagnostic and prognostic markers for thyroid cancer, benign thyroid and parathyroid lesions as well as development and implementation of modern surgical tools for the operations on the neck for endocrine tumors and for patients with combat (gunshot) trauma.

The research group have an experience in studies
of diagnostic molecular biomarkers for thyroid cancer and primary
hyperparathyroidism, developing a protocol for detecting parathyroid glands and
the recurrent laryngeal nerve by the detection of near-infrared fluorescence in
target organs (fluorescence-guided surgery) as well as investigations of neuromonitoring
for detection of peripheral nerves in the neck area.

Research Activity

  • Since 2003 – representative expert from Ukraine in the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot by International Diabetic Federation (now - DFoot since 2018) . The Ministry of Public Health approved Consensus on the Diabetic Foot and Practical Guidelines in 2004.

  • Co-author of the National Programme of Endocrinology (chapters Diabetic Foot, Prevention of complications of Diabetes, Thyroid cancer).

  • According to the Programme it was created 3-level system of Diabetic Foot Service in Ukraine with first-priority development of first (prophylactic) level – Diabetic Foot clinic. Implanted in full volume in the Centre of Endocrine surgery. Awarded by State Award (Medal and Diploma from the Parlament) for this study.

  • PI of specially-created postgraduate course for treatment Diabetic Foot for physicians (licensed by Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Education and Science) 2009 - 2018

  • Member or executive director of Organising Committee) of national and international congresses in Ukraine and Postgraduate Courses (ETA, EASD).

  • Co-founder of Ukrainian Association of Endocrine Surgery

Future Projects and Goals

To perform our studies, authors have collected unique cohort of the patients and postoperative specimens of resected tumors of thyroid and parathyroid glands. These tissue samples are ready for the molecular genetics, immunohistochemical and pathological examination.

Authors have planned prospective study to investigate the role of fluorescent-guided surgery in case of operation in the neck area for patients with benign and malignant thyroid and parathyroid diseases, repeat surgical interventions in that area as well as neck surgery after the injury due to application of high-energy weapon.

Selected Publications

  • Gorobeiko, M., Dinets, A., Pominchuk, D., Abdalla, K., Prylutskyy, Y., & Hoperia, V. (2022). Challenges of Differential Diagnosis Between Primary Hyperparathyroidism and Bone Metastases of Breast Cancer. Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports15, 11795476221125136.

  • Gorobeiko, M., Dinets, A. Intraoperative detection of parathyroid glands by autofluorescence identification using image-based system: report of 15 cases. J Med Case Reports 15, 414 (2021).

  • Gybalo, R. V., Lurin, I. A., Safonov, V., Dudla, D. I., Oklei, D. V., & Dinets, A. (2022). Retained bullet in the neck after gunshot wounds to the chest and arm in combat patient injured in the war in Ukraine: A case report. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 107658.

  • Bikas, A., Jensen, K., Patel, A., Costello, J., Kaltsas, G., Hoperia, V., .Vasko, V. (2019). Mitotane induces mitochondrial membrane depolarization and apoptosis in thyroid cancer cells. International Journal of Oncology55(1), 7-20.

  • Haglund, F., Rosin, G., Nilsson, I. L., Juhlin, C. C., Pernow, Y., Norenstedt, S., Dinets A. & Höög, A. (2015). Tumour nuclear oestrogen receptor beta 1 correlates inversely with parathyroid tumour weight. Endocrine Connections4(1), 76-85.
