Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Research Scientist
Preparatory cycle
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Preparatory cycle
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Master degree in Solid State Physics
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Doctor of Science
Taras Shevchenko National
University of Kiev, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Ceramics High-temperature reactions
Research Fields:
Materials Science
Previous and Current Research
My recent research concentrates on solid phase reaction sintering structure formation mechanisms; the influence of processing parameters on material structure and properties; the investigation of different carbon nano-inclusions (graphite plates, graphene, CNTs) introduction inside the UHTC matrix and their influence on the mechanical and thermal properties of the refractory matrix. The in-situ reactions were shown to facilitate the UHTC consolidation and result in process parameters decreasing. The sintering temperature-time reduction allowed the CNTs to survive during the hot pressing procedure. The graphite plates and CNTs were proven to redouble the UHTC toughness and multiply its thermal shock resistance.

Fig. 1. TiB2-SiC-C reaction hot pressed ceramics with in-situ formed carbon plates

Fig. 2. TiB2-SiC-CNT ceramics

Fig. 3. ZrB2-SiC-CNT ceramics

Fig. 4. Comparison of consolidation kinetics of ZrB2-SiC ceramics with and without the in-situ reactions

Fig. 5. The reactively pressed TiB 2 -BN machinable ceramics
Future Projects and Goals
I plan to continue my research in UHTC reaction sintering. With my collaborators from various institutions, there are plans to extend our results to different ceramic systems, including ZrB2-SiC-C, HfB2-SiC-C, HfB2-SiC-CNT, TiB2-BN, ZrB2-BNNT, etc. Multi-layered heteromodulus ceramics combining super-hard B4C-based layers with soft ones based on graphite or graphite-like BN for armor plates, high-entropy and multiphase ceramics, machinable ceramics, ceramics for load-bearing bone prosthetics are also going to be investigated.
Methodological and Technical Expertise
Powder metallurgy methods
Reaction sintering of ceramics
Mechanical properties of brittle materials
Thermal conductivity and thermal shock resistance measurements
Laboratory equipment designing
X-ray diffractometry
Scanning electron microscopy
Selected Publications
1. Popov O, Vishnyakov V. High Densification of Tungsten via Hot Pressing at 1300 °C in Carbon Presence. Materials. 2022; 15(10):3641.
2. O. Popov, D. Shtansky, V. Vishnyakov, A. Klepko, S. Polishchuk and P. Teselko, “Reaction sintering of machinable TiB2-BN-C ceramics with in-situ formed h-BN nanostructure,” 12(8), 1379.
3. O. Popov, V. Vishnyakov, L. Poperenko, I. Yurgelevych, T. Avramenko and A. Ovcharenko, “Reactively sintered TiB2-based heteromodulus UHT ceramics with in-situ formed graphene for machinable concentrated solar light absorbers,” Ceramics International, 2022.
4. O. Popov, V. Vishnyakov, L. Fleming, M. Podgurskiy and L. Blunt, “Reaction sintering of biocompatible Al2O3-hBN ceramics,” ACS Omega, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 2205–2209, 2022.
5. Oleksii Popov, Alexandra Klepko, Edward Lutsak. The influence of high pressure on TiC- Popov O., Avramenko T., Vishnyakov V. Thermal conductivity and thermal shock resistance of TiB2-based UHTCs enhanced by graphite platelets. Materials Today Communications, Vol. 26, (2021), 101756.
6. Ya. I. Matvienko, S. S. Polishchuk, A. D. Rud, O. Yu Popov, S. A. Demchenkov, O. M. Fesenko. Effect of graphite additives on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Cu composites prepared by mechanical alloying and sintering. Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 254 (2020), 123437.
7. O. Popov, J. Vleugels, E. Zeynalov, V. Vishnyakov. Reactive hot pressing route for dense ZrB2-SiC and ZrB2-SiC-CNT ultra-high temperature ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 40, #15 (2020), 5012-5019.
8. O. Popov, J. Vleugels, A. Huseynov, V. Vishnyakov. Reactive sintering of TiB2-SiC-CNT ceramics. Ceramics International. Vol. 45, 17, Part B (2019), 22769-22774.
9. O. Popov, V. Vishnyakov, S. Chornobuk, I. Totsky, I. Plyushchay. Mechanisms of TiB2 and graphite nucleation during TiC-B4C high temperature interaction. Ceramics International Vol. 45, #14 (2019), 16740-16747.
10. B4C reaction kinetics. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 75 (2018), 234 – 237.
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