Valeriy Yashchuk

Valeriy Yashchuk


Professor at Experimental physics department, Faculty of Physics




Experimental Physics Department, Faculty of Physics,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

1974 - 1981

Senior Engineer-Researcher

Experimental Physics Department, Faculty of Physics,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

1981 - 1986


Experimental Physics Department, Faculty of Physics,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

1986 - 1988

Deputy Dean

Faculty of Physics,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

1988 - 2002

Associated Professor

Experimental Physics Department, Faculty of Physics,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

2002 - present


Experimental Physics Department, Faculty of Physics,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Head of Experimental Physics Department

Experimental Physics Department, Faculty of Physics,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

1983 - present

Leader of the Researh Group of Photonics of Organic Media

Experimental Physics Department, Faculty of Physics,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



Master degree in Optics of Solid State,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Doctor of Science

Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Electronic processes in organic materials

Research Fields:
Digital, Industry and Space

Previous and Current Research

For now, there are two directions of the research in our group which are carried out:

- Study of interaction of viruses with the membrane, and electronic processes in viruses, aimed on the understanding of the pathways of excitation energy dissipation after absorption of electromagnetic irradiation. For this, we study absorption, fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra, phosphorescence intensity decay and emission anisotropy of viruses and their components (nucleic acids and proteins), and effect of interaction with the membrane on these spectra.

- Design of nanosystems for X-ray photodynamic therapy of cancer and study of electronic processes in them. Earlier we demonstrated excitation energy transfer in nanosystems from the scintillation nanoparticle that could be excited by X-rays (polystyrene or cerium fluoride) to the photosensitizer which can generate reactive oxygen species (chlorin e6). Now we study nanosystems containing organic matrix as an intermediate between scintillation and photosensitizer parts of the nanosystem to increase its efficiency.

- Besides, our recent experience includes studies of organic molecules for OLEDs and electronic properties in the films containing these molecules.


Fig. 1. Electronic excitation energy transfer (EEET) in polystyrene-diphenyloxazole-chlorin e6 nanosystem.

Fig. 2

Fig. 2. Electron microscopy image of IPNV virions (Ukr.J.Phys.-2019.-64,N2.-P.120-125) and phosphorescence spectra of IPNV RNA.

Future Projects and Goals

Further we plan to continue studies of electronic processes in viruses; nanosystems for X-ray phorodynamic therapy; and we are open for the collaboration in any projects which involve luminescent spectroscopy of organic molecules and electronic processes in organic materials.

Methodological and Technical Expertise

UV-vis spectroscopy of solutions

Luminescence (fluorescence and phosphorescence) of solutions and solid samples at temperatures from room temperature to 77K

Time resolved phosphorescence

Polarization of fluorescence and phosphorescence


Our team


Prof. V.M. Yashchuk

Ph.D. M.Y. Losytskyy

Ph.D. V.M. Kravchenko

Dr. V.Ya. Degoda

Ph.D. G.P. Podust

Ph.D. O.M. Navozenko

M.A. Dotsenko (student)


Chemistry (synthesis of nanoparticles and polymers):

Dr. L.O. Vretik

Ph.D. O.A. Nikolaeva


Biology (obtaining viruses and their components and their biology study):

Prof. L.P. Buchatskyi

Ph.D. Yu.P. Rud

Ph.D. O.V. Zaloilo

Ph.D. O.Yu. Artemenko

Selected Publications

1. V.M. Yashchuk, M.Z. Galunov, I.V. Lebedyeva, O.A. Tarasenko, O.M. Navozenko, E.V. Vashchilina, A.V. Krech, M.Yu. Losytskyy, M.A. Dotsenko. Some peculiarities of triplet excitations dynamics in organic macromolecules and crystals // Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. – 2022.- DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2022.2066786

2. M.Y. Losytskyy, R.A. Kharchenko, D.V. Gryn, M.A. Dotsenko, Yu.S. Boiko, O.M. Kozachkova, A.N. Samoilov, A.A. Golub, V.M. Yashchuk. Luminescence of singlet oxygen generated by fullerene C60 - aminopropylsilica nanocomposites // Func. Mater.- 2022.- V.29(2)- P.189-192.

3. A. Grebinyk, V. Yashchuk, N. Bashmakova, D. Gryn, T. Hagemann, A. Naumenko, N. Kutsevol,·T. Dandekar,·M. Frohme. A new triple system DNA Nanosilver Berberine for cancer therapy // Applied Nanoscience.-2019.-V.9.-P.945-956.

4. V.M. Kravchenko, Y.P. Rud, L.P. Buchatski, Y.Y. Stepanenko, D.V. Gryn, V.M. Yashchuk. Spectroscopic Studies of Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus, Its Major Capsid Protein, and RNA // Ukr J Phys.-2019.-64(2).-P.120-125.

5. M. Yu. Losytskyy, L. O. Vretik, N. V. Kutsevol, O. A. Nikolaeva, V. M. Yashchuk. Uptake of Chlorin e6 Photosensitizer by Polystyrene-Diphenyloxazole-Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) Hybrid Nanosystem Studied by Electronic Excitation Energy Transfer // Nanoscale Research Letters.- 2018.- Vol.13.- 166.

6. V.Y. Kudrya, V.M. Yashchuk, A.P. Naumenko, T.V. Udod, Y.S. Kreminska. Spectral properties of single-stranded viral DNA fragment // Ukrainian Journal of Physics.- 2018.- V.63(10).- P.912-915.

7. V.M. Yashchuk, V.Yu. Kudrya. The spectral properties of DNA and RNA macromolecules at low temperatures: fundamental and applied aspects // Methods Appl. Fluoresc.- 2017.- V.5.- 014001.

8. M.Y. Losytskyy,, L.V.Kuzmenko, O.B.Shcherbakov, N.F.Gamaleia, A.I.Marynin, V.M. Yashchuk. Energy Transfer in Ce0.85Tb0.15F3 Nanoparticles-CTAB Shell-Chlorin e6 System // Nanoscale Research Letters.-2017.- V.12(1).-294.

9. M.Yu. Losytskyy, L.O. Vretik, O.A. Nikolaeva, A.I. Marynin, N.F. Gamaleya, V.M. Yashchuk. Polystyrene-diphenyloxazole-chlorin e6 nanosystem for PDT: energy transfer study // Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals.-2016.-V.639(1).-P.169-176.

10. V.M. Yashchuk, V.Y. Kudrya, I.Y. Dubey, K.I. Kovalyuk, O.I. Batsmanova, V.I. Mel'nik, G.V. Klishevich. Luminescence of telomeric fragments of DNA macromolecule // Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.-2016.-V.639(1).-P.151-159.


