Current Position at the University
Ass. Prof. Dr. Radmyla Hrevtsova, Adv., is the Director of the Education and Research Center for Medical Law and Associate Professor of the Department of Public Service Law and Medical Law, Education and Research Institute of Law (formerly – the Law Faculty), Taras Shevtchenko National University of Kyiv.
Àñademic and Lecturing Experience
2014-to present
Taras Shevtchenko National University of Kyiv, Education and Research Institute of Law (former Law Faculty), Associate Professor of the Department of Public Service Law and Medical Law and the Director of the Educational and Research Centre of Medical Law; lecturing on Medical Law, Pharmaceutical Law, Public Health Law, Legal Support to Healthcare Providers, and Bioethics.
Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine, senior lecturer, associate professor; lecturing on Medical Law, Medical and Legal Issues of Biomedical Activities, Criminal Law
Speaker (incl. a keynote speaker) at more than 70 scientific, legal, medical, and business conferences and congresses in Ukraine as well as in Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Israel, Poland, Portugal, etc.
Author of 80 scientific publications, including those in the scientific journals indexed in Scopus, and more than 20 publications in medical, pharmaceutical, and legal press.
Member of the Editorial Board of several scientific journals, including the “Medicine and Law” international journal
Social Activities
Non-staff counsel to the Committee on Health Care of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine
2014- 2018
Deputy Head of the Public Council at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Co-author of a few draft laws, member of working groups established by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Professional Recognition
Awarded as “Advocate of the Year” in the nomination of “Medical and Pharmaceutical Law” (2017, 2018);
“Advocate of the Year” in the nomination of “The Best Lawyer – Scientist” (2019);
Recognized among the practice leaders in “Medical Law / Pharmaceuticals” by the “Client’s Choice. Top 100 Best Lawyers of Ukraine” ranking (2017, 2018, 2020);
Recognized among the most successful female lawyers in legal business by the “Ukrainian Women in Law 2021” ranking.
World Association for Medical Law, Governor (Board member)
International Chair in Bioethics (formerly - UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa), Head of the Ukrainian Unit of the International Network
International Association of Medical Law, Vice-President
Association of Advocates of Ukraine, member; 2015-2020 - Chairperson of the Health Law Committee
Union of Lawyers of Ukraine, member
Ukrainian Medical and Legal Association, a founder and member of the Board
Ukrainian Board of Aesthetic Medicine Expert, Vice-Chairperson on Legal and Regulatory Affairs
Medical law, Pharmaceutical law, Public health law, Bioethics, Public administration, Criminal law, International law
Research Fields:
Social Sciences, general
Previous and Current Research
Since 2021, Dr. Radmyla Hrevtsova has been the World Health Organization non-staff legal consultant for projects related to healthñare and law.
Research Projects for Scientific Cooperation
The project
The research team led by Dr. Radmyla Hrevtsova is currently working on the project “Organizational and Legal Support to Health Emergencies Prevention and Response.”
The world health care systems have lately faced such health emergency as COVID-19 pandemic. The Ukrainian health care system has also been confronted with the russia’s military aggression against Ukraine and the consequences of such aggression. This has increased the necessity of ensuring health emergencies preparedness and response, which the legal component is essential for. Taking this into account, the research is focusing on strengthening institutional capacities and improvement of the legislative landscape of health emergencies prevention and response.
The research is conducted in the following directions:
1) International law foundations for and foreign experience of the legal regulation of health emergencies preparedness and response;
2) Institutional aspects of health emergencies prevention and response;
3) Legislative support to health emergencies prevention and response;
4) The practice of application of the Ukrainian legislation on health emergencies prevention and response; and
5) Conceptual grounds for intersectoral cooperation in the sphere of health emergencies prevention and response.
The project is to result in mapping the required institutional and legislative changes and elaborating the proposals on the improvement of the Ukrainian legislation on health emergencies prevention and response as well as of the practice of its implementation.
The research team:
· Mrs. Radmyla Hrevtsova, LLM (all hons), PhD (Law), Ass. Prof., Adv. - team leader;
· Mrs. Anastasiia Sukhodolska, LLM, PhD (Law), Adv. – team member;
· Mrs. Hanna Guseva, LLM, MBA, M.S. in biology - team member;
· Mr. Sviatoslav Malyshevskyi, LLM (hons) (Edinburgh) – team member.
The cooperation goal is the strengthening of the capacities by
contribution of experts, especially the foreign ones, in the related areas such
as public administration, civil protection of population, medicine and
pharmacy, public health, IT and communication, etc. in order to expand the
horizons and view the subject matter through various professional lenses to
provide for the multi-faceted, in-depth analytics and practical recommendations
capable of improving the national health emergency preparedness and response.
Methodological and Technical Expertise
Legal Practice
Dr. Radmyla Hrevtsova is also a practicing attorney-at-law admitted to practice before all courts in Ukraine.
Having a diverse legal background and more than 20 years’ experience, she mainly concentrates her practice on medical law, pharmaceutical law, and high technology law that is extremely relevant to her education and research activities.
Being a partner of law firms, she has got experience in conducting legal and regulatory due diligence of pharmaceutical companies and healthcare institutions, structuring and reviewing clinical trial agreements, advising on legal issues of pharmaceutical marketing and promotion, representing clients before tax and regulatory authorities and courts, providing on-going legal support to healthcare institutions and clinical research organizations, etc.
As an attorney-at-law, Dr. Radmyla Hrevtsova represents her clients before courts in civil and criminal cases.
Previously she also worked as legal counsel for FMCG and telecommunications companies that equipped her with deep understanding of business and regulatory environment.
Selected Publications
1. Radmyla Hrevtsova, “Institutional and Legal Aspects of Health Care in Times of COVID-19: Learning from the Ukrainian Experience,” Medicine and Law (2020) 39 (2): 333-350 (Scopus, Q4).
2. Duguet, A.-M., Prudil, L., Hrevtsova, R, “Surrogacy performed abroad: Consequences for French couples and evolution of the legal framework in some countries | Gestation pour autrui pratiquée à l’étranger: conséquences pour les couples français et évolution du cadre légal dans certains pays,” Medecine et Droit, 2014 (125): 46-51 (Scopus, Q4).
3. Radmyla Hrevtsova, “The Interplay of Health Law and Bioethics: A Few Thoughts on the Practical Implementation of Scientific Findings,” European Journal of Health Law, 19-3 (2012): 225-229 (Scopus, Q2).
4. Radmyla Hrevtsova, “Access of Elderly People to Affordable Healthcare: Problems and Solutions (A View from a Newly Independent State),” European Journal of Health Law, 19-2 (2012): 157-176 (Scopus) (Scopus, Q2).
5. Mohammed S.Wattad & Radmyla Yu. Hrevtsova, “Reflections on International Medical Law,” The International Journal “Medicine and Law” (2011) 30 (4): 449-460 (Scopus, Q4).
6. Radmyla Yu. Hrevtsova (2013). Informed Consent and Informed Refusal: A Developing Country Perspective. In Roy G. Beran (Ed.), Legal and Forensic Medicine” in 3 volumes, (pp. 927-942) Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag (Scopus, book chapter).
Scopus ORCID ID Google Scholar
Email: hrevtsova.radmyla@knu.ua; radmila.hrevtsova@gmail.com
Òål.: +380 67 364-05-33