Call for Proposals - Physicists and Physics Students Affected by the Russian Invasion of Ukraine


Call for Proposals - Physicists and Physics Students Affected by the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Impacted by the Russian Invasion of Ukraine? Apply for travel and meeting funds

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has disrupted the careers of physics graduate students, early career researchers, and physicists from Ukrainian institutions. With funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, APS is pleased to provide programs to support those affected by the invasion to maintain their research momentum and foster ties to the global physics community.

Through the APS Distinguished Student Program - Ukraine, physics graduate students and early career physicists who had been pursuing degrees or research in Ukraine can receive up to $2,000 in travel support to present oral talks or posters at APS meetings, APS-endorsed meetings, or International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)--sponsored conferences. To foster connections to research mentors, awards can be expanded up to $5,000 for proposals that include research visits to a laboratory or a scientific collaborator in addition to attending the physics meeting. (APS respects that many physicists affected by the invasion are not able to travel at this time. Consequently, support for virtual participation in meetings is also eligible for support.)

Student & Postdoc
Distinguished Student Program - Ukraine

Deadline: September 29, 2023

Apply Today

Through the APS International Research Travel Award Program - Ukraine, physicists affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine can receive travel support to visit research collaborators outside their home country to continue their research and maintain their connections and contributions to the global physics enterprise. Recipients receive up to $5,000 toward travel expenses for a minimum one-month visit abroad. (APS respects that many physicists affected by the invasion are not able to travel at this time. Consequently, support for virtual research collaboration is also eligible for support.)

International Research Travel Award Program - Ukraine

Deadline: September 29, 2023

Apply Today

The Distinguished Student and International Travel Award Programs are initiatives of the APS Forum on International Physics (FIP)

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