Vitaliy Snytyuk

Vitaliy Snytyuk

Head of Department of Intelligent Information Systems, Chief Researcher

Software Engineer
Scientific Research Institute “Accord”, Cherkasy (Ukraine)

Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer, Associate professor
Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy (Ukraine)

Head of Department of Information Technologies of Design
Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy (Ukraine)

2014 - Present
Head of Department of Intelligent Information Systems
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)


1984 -1991
Mathematician. Teacher. Master in Mathematics
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

1992 - 1995
Post-graduate student
Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy (Ukraine)

Candidate of Technical Science in Systems of Automated Design
Kyiv National University Construction and Architecture, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Associated Professor
Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy (Ukraine)

2004- 2007
Post Doctoral Researcher
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Doctor of Technical Science in Information Technologies
Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy (Ukraine)

Intelligent information technologies of decision making support

Research Fields:
ICT Research & Innovation

Previous and Current Research

Since 2016, the field of research is the intelligent technology of decision making in the tasks to minimize the effects of technogenic and natural disasters and accidents. The project aims to improve the efficiency of decision-making at forecasting technological accidents and disasters and minimize their negative effects in real time through the development of scientific bases, models, methods and tools supporting decision making under uncertainty.

As a result of the research will be developed and implemented as a computer decision support systems technology analysis and optimization of management processes that provide automated support decision-making processes responsible people in solving problems of forecasting and minimize the negative consequences of emergencies.

Future Projects and Goals

  • The design of decision support and expert systems for various activities
  • The use of distributed systems and parallel computing in order to find effective solutions of practical problems
  • The use of Grid-and Cloud as technologies and resources for knowledge-intensive tasks solutions
  • Economic and technical systems optimization based on neural network technology and artificial life simulation
  • Internet application design with the use of artificial intelligence

Methodological and Technical Expertise

  • Structural and parametric identification
  • Fuzzy logic inference
  • Evolutionary technologies of optimization and decision making
  • Data mining
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Modeling and simulation

Selected Publications

Snytyuk V., Bychenko A., Dzhulay A.
Evolutionary technologies decision making during fire fighting.
Kyiv, McLaut, 2008, 262 p. (In Russian)

Snytyuk V.
Forecasting. Models, methods, algorithms.
Kyiv, McLaut, 2008, 364 p. (In Ukrainian)

Gnatienko G., Snytyuk V.
Expert technologies decision making.
Kyiv, McLaut, 2008, 444 p. (In Ukrainian)

Snytyuk V., Myroschnyk O.
Modelling and forecasting of real estate market.
Kyiv, McLaut, 2014, 332 p. (In Russian).

Snytyuk V., Yurchenko K.
Intelligent management of knowledge assessment.
Kyiv, McLaut, 2013, 262 p. (In Russian).

Snytyuk V.
Evolutionary technologies of decision making under uncertainty.
Kyiv, “MP Lesya”, 2015, 347 p. (In Russian).
