Zinaida Palian

Zinaida Palian

Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics and Demography

Kyiv National Economic University, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Kyiv National Economic University, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Senior Lecturer
Kyiv National Economic University, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Associate Professor
Kyiv National Economic University, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Senior Research Fellow
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Associate Professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)


Korotchenko Kyiv National Economy Institute, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Korotchenko Kyiv National Economy Institute, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Training in "Spectrum" computer module for modeling and forecasting of socio-demographic processes, Qualification - Trainer
Kyiv (Ukraine)

Statistical evaluation of socio-demographic processes

Research Fields:
Social Science & Humanities

Previous and Current Research

Since 2011, research group has focused on modern methodological and organizational issues of Statistics and Demography:

  • statistical assessment of socio-demographic security of the region;
  • development of methodological principles of statistical analysis of the political motivation of population in terms of socio-economic crisis;
  • statistical evaluation of socio-economic and demographic consequences of migration;
  • development of methods of statistical evaluation of Ukrainian population reproduction prospects in the context of the second demographic transition;
  • development of theoretical and methodological principles of comparative statistical analysis and demographic behavior modeling parameters of the population of Ukraine and Eastern European countries.

Future Projects and Goals

Further scientific and applied studies in order to develop methodological principles of statistical evaluation of social and demographic development of Ukraine in terms of European integration:

  • formation of methodological principles of statistical estimation of the model parameters in the context of fertility second demographic transition;
  • development of methodological and information-analytical evaluation principles of socio-economic development of agricultural areas;
  • development of methodological foundations of statistical measurements of quality of life in Ukraine in the context of building international ratings;
  • development of methodological and organizational basis for the analysis of the environmental component of economic development in the context of the SNA 2008.

Selected Publications

Zinaida Palian. A statistical analysis of population replacement in Ukraine and the issue of migration. ISBN 978-83-7252-652-6. Quantitative methods for modelling and forecasting economic processes – Cracow University of Economics Press, 2013, p.121 – 133.

Zinaida Palian. Demographic behavior of the population in Ukraine and other East European countries: a comparative analysis and modelling. ISBN 978-83-7252-669-4. Models and methods for analyzing and forecasting economic processes. Theory and practice – Cracow University of Economics Press, 2014, p.164 – 180.

Palian Z.O. Modern pattern of mortality and survival of population in Ukraine. ISSN 2072-9480. Demography and social economy. - K.: NAS of Ukraine, IDSS, ¹2 (22), 2014, p.68-77.

Palian Z.O. Estimation of prospects of Ukrainian population reproduction in the context of the second demographic transition.ISSN  1728-2667. Bulletin of KNU ¹157, 2014, p.75-80.

Zinaida Palian. Statistical analysis and simulation of the parameters of survival of Ukrainian population. Models and methods for analyzing and forecasting economic processes. Theory and practice – Cracow University of Economics Press, 2015, p.175 – 191.

Palian Z.O. Statistical evaluation of current demographic losses in Ukraine. Statistic of Ukraine ¹ 1 (72), 2016, p. 34-41.

Kovtun N.V., Motyzuk I.M., Palian Z.O. Statistical analysis of trends and factors in cancer incidence of women of reproductive age in Ukraine. Models and methods for analysing and forecasting economic processes. Theory and practice – Cracow University of Economics Press, 2017, p. 173 – 182. (Web of Science) http://pliki.konferencjazakopianska.pl/proceedings_2017/pdf/Kovtun_

Palian Z.O., Bondarenko I.H. Statistical estimation of modern trends and prospects of the size and structure population of Ukraine. ISSN 2519-1853.  Statistic of Ukraine ¹ 3 (78), 2017, p. 65-72.

Kovtun N.V., Motyzuk I.M., Palian Z.O. Analysis of trends and factors in breast multiple primary malignant neoplasms. Breast cancer: Basic and clinical research, Vol 12., 2018, p. 1-9. (Web of Science) (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1178223418759959)

Yerina A.M., Palian Z.O. Estimation of indirect demographic losses in Ukraine due to armed conflict. Socio-Economic Modelling and Forecasting  No. 1 Cracow University of Economics Press, 2018, p. 593 -602. (Web of Science)

Profile in the Scopus base:



Homepage: www.econom.univ.kiev.ua/kafedry/statystyky-i-demografiyi
