Psychological problems of social development of human psyche in ontogenesis; motives and mechanisms of formation and development of individual and collective subjects of social vital activity; social adaptation, re-socialization and social skills development
Research Fields:
Social Science & Humanities
Previous and Current Research
- Developmental and Educational Psychology, Socialization and Re-socialization of Personality and Development of Social Skills.
- Psychological problems of social development of human psyche in ontogenesis. Motives and mechanisms of formation and development of individual and collective subjects of social vital activity.
- Social adaptation and re-socialization of personality and social skills development.
Group leader : Professor., Doctor of Sciences in Psychology, Olena Vlasova
The team consists of 2 researchers, 1 engeneer and 1 PhD of Soc.Sc., Postgraduate and Master students.
The object of current research: integrated personality in a context of social changes (2014-2016).
The purpose of scientific research: clarifying specific conceptual foundations of theoretical and practical reconstruction ways of an integrative personality regulation in transitive Ukrainian society. Methodical complex for diagnosing integrative personality development has been created according to the new approach. It provided a background for differentiating typical cultural orientations and specific existential experience with its various aspects of an integrity development. Social and psychological survey of the university students in Ukraine and formation of their life perspectives and types of socialization in terms of multiculturalism. Developed questionnaire was provided in online version: . Discovered and described empirical research performances an influence of life path conceptualization on development of the students’ personality integrity. Psychological differences of students in educational socialization of modern universities, students typological differences in characteristics of their life prospects and features influencing educational socialization.
Future Projects and Goals
Psychological mechanisms of an integrative personality development in transitive society.
The purpose: to identify and describe the basic and specific features and mechanisms of an integrative personality development in the context of plural and transformative society; to determine optimal conditions for their development with an aim to optimize socialization, rehabilitation and re-socialization of an individual in the modern Ukrainian society.
Selected Publications
O. Vlasova
Šsychology of development of social capabilities in ontogenesis (full ontogenesis).
(Scientific monograph), Ottawa, Accent Graffińs Communication. – 2016. – 330 p.
O. Vlasova
Psychology of Social Skills: Structure, Dynamics, Developmental Factors
Kyiv: Publishing and printing center “Kyiv University” – 2005. – 308 š.
Vlasova, O.I., Fadeeva K.-M. O., Gulenko A. S.
Psychological integrity of the individual constructs in the methodology philosophy of existentialism and existential psychology
O. Vlasova, J. Vashchenko, I. Danyliuk, V. Shcherbyna
Experience of interdisciplinary research of development of holistic personality in the social change
Psychology and personality, ¹ 2 (10) Part 1. – 2016. – pp. 116-127.
O. Vlasova, A. Gulenko, I. Danyliuk, X.-M. Fadeeva, V. Shcherbyna
The types of personal integrity of the modern Ukrainian multicultural society
Socio-economic sciences and challenges of modern technology and planetary communication: International Conference on ICT Management for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies ICTM 2015. – 2015.
Scherbyna V.L.
Formation of the student’s personality: the value priorities
Problems of Modern Psychology: Collection of research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine – Issue 25. – 2014. –Š. 663-673. - Access mode to a resource:
Shcherbyna V.L.
Modern students’ socialization orientations: cultural and typological approach
// Problems of Modern Psychology, Collection of research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine. – Issue 30. –2015. – Š. 740–753. - Access mode to a resource:
Scherbyna V.L.
The process of socialization of personality in the multi-structure society: the social and psychological model Problems of Modern Psychology
Collection of research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine. – Issue 32. – 2016. – Š. 614–624. - Access mode to a resource:
Ivanna Ananova, Andrey Gulenko, Ivan Daniluk, Margarita Fadeeva, Victoria Scherbina, Olena Vlasova
The types of personal integrity of the modern ukrainian multicultural society
GOSPODARKA RYNEK EDUKACJA Journal. – Vol 17, No 3. – 2016. – Access mode to a resource: