Volodymyr Shevchenko

Volodymyr Shevchenko

Associate Professor of the International Economy and Marketing Department, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


1975 – Present 
Lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor, International Economy and Marketing Department 
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine) 

Guest lecturer, Graduate School of Management, University of Dallas TX USA 


Taras Shevchenko State University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine) 

Candidate Degree in Economics 
Taras Shevchenko State University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)

University of Dallas, USA
Free Enterprise Economics and Management Program 

1993– Present 
Participation in international consultancy and academic mobility projects with the international organizations and universities  

Financial flows and investments under regional economic integration

Research Fields:
Economics & Business

Previous and Current Research

International educational and research projects experience:

Ukrainian co-ordinator of the TEMPUS-TACIS (EU) project for development of banking faculty of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (1994-1999).

Ukrainian co-ordinator for the INTAS (EU) project on research of the State and Market: Relationships in Transition ( 1995-1997 )

Visiting professor to the UK at Loughborough University, University of Central England.

Awarded by the Individual Mobility Grants for research by the European Commission (2003, 2005, 2006).

Team leader of Ukrainian consultancy team participating in the World Bank project on Model Enterprise Restructuring in Ukraine (1997-1998).

Ukrainian co-ordinator of the TACIS-BISTRO (EU) project on encouraging market access through development of the electronic information and trading system in Ukraine (2001-2002).

on the Ukraine: Regional Economic Developments (1995-1997) and Investment Opportunities in Ukraine (1997-1999).

A study of the modification of the international capital flows under regional economic integration, global economic and financial instability Investigate trends of foreign direct investments and transnational corporations under condition of regional economic integration. CEE countries investment climate changes.   

Evaluation of the foreign-owned banks transformation in the CEE countries. Internationa; banking competition modification under conditions of the hlobal and regional economic and financial instability.

Future Projects and Goals

Future research will be focused on the current trends of the capital flows and investments with emphasis on the regional economic integration primarily for the economic study in the following areas:

  • business and financial innovations implementation;
  • venture and alternative international financing;
  • strategy, competition and cooperation within regional economic integration;
  • transformation of international banking within regional economic integration;
  • didgitalization impact on the capital flows within regional economic integration.

Selected Publications

Shevchenko V. 
Capital flows structural changes and financial stability. 
Ekonomika, 2013, vol.92 (3) Supplement B. Conference proceedings. Vilnius University, 2013, p.174-183. (Lithania) (Scopus)
Шевченко В.Ю
Структура торговельних і фінансових зв’язків у зонах вільної торгівлі 
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. – 2014. – №9 (162). С. 24-30. ( Index Copernicus) 

Shevchenko V. 
International Capital Flows under Post-Crisis Global Rebalancing.
In: Post-Crisis Global Economy: Restoration of Equilibrium: Monograph. K., Publishing centre “Kyiv University” , 2013, p.121-141.

Шевченко В.Ю. 
Міжнародне залучення капіталу в посткризових умовах 
Теоретичні та прикладні питання економіки. Збірник наукових праць. Випуск 26. (за заг. ред. проф. Єханурова Ю.І., Шегди А.В.) К.: Видавничо-поліграфічний центр „Київський університет”, 2011. С. 161-167.
Shevchenko V. 
Global economic conditions for the banking systems stability. 
Economy and society: modern foundation for human development. Leipzig University, International conference. Leipzig 2016, p.22-24. 

Shevchenko V. 
Digitalization and international access to finance. Economy and management: modern transformation in the age of globalization.Klaipeda University, Klaipeda International conference. 2017.- 

Shevchenko V. 
International banking evolutionsystemic dimensions. In: National economic development and modernization: experience of Poland and prospects for Ukraine.monogtaph. State University of Jan Kochanovski, Kielce 2017, P.272-283. 

Shevchenko V. 
Solidarity finance: forms and modern trends. In: A Social and Solidarity economy. The Ukrainian Choice. Monograph Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2017, 

Shevchenko V. 
Global forces of banking transformation. The formation of modern competitive environment: integration and globalization. Proceedings of the Conference. University of Greenwich. Greenwich. 2018. P.42-45.


Homepage: http://www.econom.univ.kiev.ua/kafedry/mizhnarodnoyi-ekonomiky/
