Psychological Factors of Ethnic and Cultural Differences.
Research Fields:
Social Science & Humanities
Previous and Current Research
Recently completed project concerned psychology of personality in life situations: approaches and programs of complex psychological assistance. The base for the development of psychological methodology of life situations has been established.
Establishment of Ethnocultural Psychology as a separate discipline.
For a significantly long period of time, ethnic and cultural psychology have been separated in terms of methodology and research practice. The recent research allowed to combine ethnic and cultural approaches into one unit without losing the specificity of every approach. As a result, it became possible to distinguish culture as a unifying variable, personality and ethnicity and integrative variables and processes that allow all of the mentioned variables to function coherently.
Figure 1. Methodological structure of Ethnocultural psychology.
The results of the research were presented in the monograph, published in 2019.
Future Projects and Goals
Psychological Adaptation of Ukrainian Economic Migrants in Poland and Psychological Adaptation of Ukrainian Economic Migrants in Poland after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The main aim of the project is to determine the specificity of economic behavior of Ukrainian migrants in Poland and identify their ways of psychological adaptation. The branch of the study is conducted within the framework of social psychology (Social and Humanitarian Sciences).
Expected results. Over the last 4 years, the phenomenon of migration in Ukraine to Poland has not been investigated enough. There are some disturbing results that can be expected in this scale of migration. The ignorance that accompanies this mass phenomenon requires filling, both for general cognitive and applied reasons, when the control of social processes is supported by scientific knowledge. The historical and political problems of relations between Poland and Ukraine should not be considered regardless of the context of today’s immigration. This relationship should also be seen in the opposite direction: do historical events reflect and to what extent historical events reflect the current relations between the migrant Ukrainians and the Poles among whom they work. Therefore, the outcomes of the research project:
- Study of the specific psychological adaptation of labor (economic) migrants.
- Identification of the main difficulties of adaptation of labor migrants from Ukraine to Poland.
- The formulation of recommendations for improving the psychological adaptation of migrant workers.
- Reporting of research results.
- Publication of the monograph based on the results obtained.
- Publication of articles in collections that are included in international science databases, including Scopus and Web of Science.
Methodological and Technical Expertise
- President of Ukrainian Psychological Association. The member of the expert board of the humanitarian and social sciences for licensing and accreditation of the higher educational institutions of the I-IV levels. The member of the board for the coordination of pedagogic and psychological researches.
- Head editor if the scholar journal ‘Ukrainian psychological journal’; the chief editor of the ‘Kyiv University Bulletin. Series: Psychology’.
- The head of the scientifically-methodological commission in the specialty 053 ‘Psychology’; member of the board #5 for social sciences and journalism for the development of higher education standards in Ukraine.
- Expertise in United States Agency for International Development (USAID) project for the professiogram of judges.
Selected Publications
1. Ethnocultural psychology: history and modernity: monograph / Danyliuk І. V., Kurapov А. О., Yahiyayev І. І. (in Ukrainian) – Київ : АртЕк, 2019. – 432 с.
2. The problem of ethnocentrism in modern ethnic psychology (in Ukrainian) // Проблеми сучасної психології: Збірник наукових праць Кам’янець-Подільського національного університету імені Івана Огієнка, Інституту психології ім. Г. С. Костюка АПН України / За ред. С. Д. Максименка, Л. А. Онуфрієвої. – Вип. 7. – Кам’янець-Подільський: Аксіома, 2010. – С. 168-177.
3. V. A. Romenets – the founder of domestic historical and psychological science (in Ukrainian) // Психологія вчинку: Шляхами творчості В. А. Роменця: зб. ст. / упоряд П. А. М’ясоїд; від. ред. А. В. Фурман. – К. : Либідь, 2012. ‑С. 218-223.
4. Globalization Capacity of University Teaching Staff in Ukraine and Lithuania: Comparative Research / S. Paschenko, I. Danyliuk. – TILTAI. – 2014, May 29;66(1): 203-19.
5. Cultural Distance as a Factor Impacting the Choice of Acculturation Strategy / I. Danyliuk, A. Kurapov. – 2016 Impact Factor: 3.827.:844.
6. V. A. Romenets’ school of creative abilities education: the origins of success / I. Danyliuk, I. Yahiyayev // Psychology & Society (Psihologìâ ì suspìlʹstvo). 2019; 75(1): 116-22.
7. Modern European tendencies in professional education of psychologists in Ukraine (in Ukrainian) // Психолого-педагогічні умови розвитку освітнього простору держави: тези доповідей та повідомлень учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції 22 листопада 2013 р. – м. Львів : Львівський державний університет внутрішніх справ, 2013. – С. 181-185.
Ethnic psychology as a branch of scientific knowledge:
historically-theoretical dimension: monograph (in Ukrainian). Самміт-книга;
2010. – 392 с.