10 стипендій для українських вчених та дослідників у наукових та гуманітарних дисциплінах на період дослідження в Італії
The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei has published 10 scholarships for Ukrainian scholars and researchers, in scientific disciplines and humanities, for a research period in Italy.
• 4 scholarships for graduates in sciences. The amount of each scholarship is € 12,000 (in 12 months) • 4 scholarships for graduates in the social sciences and humanities. The amount of each scholarship is € 12,000 (in 12 months) • 1 POST-DOC scholarship in sciences. The amount of scholarship is € 23,000 (in 12 months) • 1 POST-DOC scholarship in the social sciences and humanities. The amount of scholarship is € 23,000 (in 12 months)
The application for admission to the selection must be submitted exclusively through the online form at https://selezionionline.lincei.it/?lang=en, no later than 18:00 on 9 June 2022.
Attached the Calls. For more information, please contact the Awards and Scholarships Office, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Via della Lungara, 10, 00165 Rome, Tel. 06.68307831 / 06.68027234 - e-mail: ufficio.premi@lincei.it. |
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