Awards various scholarships to foreign researchers and artists
The Swiss Government, through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), awards various scholarships to foreign researchers and artists.
The Embassy of Switzerland in Kyiv is in charge of the application process and is the “entry point” for the Ukrainian applicants: receiving the applications and controlling that they are complete and that they fulfil all the requirements, doing a pre-selection of the applications. The Swiss Government, through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), awards three types of scholarships to Ukrainian researchers: · Research scholarships · PHD scholarships · Postdoctoral Scholarships at Swiss universities, Federal Institutes of Technology and universities of applied sciences. No university scholarships for bachelor or master studies are granted. For each country the precise information about the different types of post-graduate scholarships available and the admission specification for the academic year 201 7 -201 8 is published online on the site of the Federal Commission for Scholarships for foreign students FCS: https://www.sbfi.admin.ch/sbfi/en/home/topics/swiss-education-area/scholarships-and-grants/swiss-government-excellence-scholarships-for-foreign-scholars-an.html A potential candidate should check this information and has to meet the eligibility criteria. If scientists, researchers and PHD students of T. Shevchenko Kyiv National University meet the eligibility criteria, we encourage them to prepare an application file. The complete application file has to be printed and returned to the Embassy of Switzerland in Kyiv in three copies before 05.12.2016. A full package of documents: application guidelines, application form and research proposal form, letter of reference form, medical certificate form and leaflet “Will you be my supervisor” will be send based on individual e-mail requests from candidates. In 2016 the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students awarded 201 new scholarships to researchers from 69 different countries. For more details read the article published today in the SERI News edition June 2016 (p. 11-12): https://www.news.admin.ch/message/index.html?lang=en&msg-id=62421 For the latest news follow ESKAS @Swiss_FCS on Twitter. Further information on study and research opportunities at different Swiss institutions is available on the following websites: Rectors’ Conference of Swiss Universities Rectors’ Conference of Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences Swissuniversity Professors of Swiss Universities Warning against a fake scholarship offer using the name of the Swiss Government Scholarships (phishing) The Swiss authorities issue this warning against fake Swiss Federal Government Scholarships advertised by e-mail. The Swiss Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS) never advertises its scholarships by e-mail. The scholarships are generally directly managed by the Swiss representation in the respective country. The Swiss authorities recommend to never answer to these e-mails and above all not to send any money. I hope this information will be useful to you. If you have any questions relative to the above please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Yours sincerely Olena Gut - Economic and Trade Affairs Officer Embassy of Switzerland vul. Kozyatynska, 12 01015 Kyiv Phone: 0038 044 28 161 35, 28 161 28 Fax: 0038 044 280 14 48 olena.gut@eda.admin.ch www.eda.admin.ch/kiev For official mail please use: kie.vertretung@eda.admin.ch This e-mail may contain trade secrets or privileged, undisclosed or otherwise confidential information. If you have received this e-mail in error, you are hereby notified that any review, copying or distribution of it is strictly prohibited. |
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